- A long result list is being cut of, and does not display list in full screenUISE-103Resolved issue: UISE-103
- Language filter is greyed out when Local is selected as sourceUISE-99Resolved issue: UISE-99
- Assigned service point doesn't display in Settings/Organizations/LocationsUIORG-155Resolved issue: UIORG-155Aditya matukumalli
- Only 10 item records display under a holdingUIIN-510Resolved issue: UIIN-510Aditya matukumalli
- displaying only 10 service points when creating locationsUIIN-509Resolved issue: UIIN-509Aditya matukumalli
- UI-Inventory. Required field display handling Update (Instance, Holdings, Item)UIIN-490Resolved issue: UIIN-490Zak Burke
- Cannot view all available locations in the filter (1st pane)UIIN-413Resolved issue: UIIN-413Zak Burke
- Inventory search results display has wide margin at bottomUIIN-319Resolved issue: UIIN-319Charlotte Whitt
- Cannot assign correct location to item because display of locations are limitedSTSMACOM-180Resolved issue: STSMACOM-180Zak Burke
- stripes-connect HTTP errors are only intermittently reported to usersSTCON-54Resolved issue: STCON-54Jason Skomorowski
- The Main Pane Header drop down Action menu stays openSTCOM-513Resolved issue: STCOM-513
- Whole page not filling in Codex searchFOLIO-1622Resolved issue: FOLIO-1622Khalilah Gambrell
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Overview: A long result list is at first shown in full screen, but coming back to the list, then only partial list, and a lot of white, even that the list is much longer.
Steps to reproduce:
Login to FOLIO Snapshot, go to Codex Search
Search in both sources: Local and KB
Search on Title: Arctic
Click on the one instance from Local (Inventory): Arctic from A to Z, and view this in Inventory
Click on the back arrow
Expected result:
I will get the same view of the result list as before clicking on the given title
Actual result:
I get only a partial list, with a lot of white space below the list. The white space stays there even when scrolling up/down.
See screencast:
Other observations:
If doing the same search and click on a KB title - then the same thing with the white space happens. Please note, here there is an error message in the result list in eHoldings - see:
If using click on the Codex App button to get back from detailed view of the search result, then also the same thing with white space appearing is happening.