Inventory search results display has wide margin at bottom
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results

Ann-Marie Breaux April 20, 2019 at 6:19 AM
Checked in folio-snapshot and, and I'm not seeing big white space at the bottom of lists, so I think this is fixed. Closing the ticket.

Charlotte Whitt April 18, 2019 at 5:28 PMEdited
- will the implementation of design for Inventory (, be something we can table for Q3 2019. See 's comment above re. the long term fix.
- please note, that in order to implement the tree view display, then we'd need following component: STCOM-234 Hierarchical List (TreeView) component

Charlotte Whitt April 8, 2019 at 1:05 PM
I actually agree, but I was not sure, how was expected to be planned for based on the ranking But sure I can speed up the work together with , if this feature it to be bumped up in the prioritization

Khalilah Gambrell April 8, 2019 at 12:50 PMEdited
- Hopefully but maybe it is time to think of the long term fix. Go away from table view and go to a list view for results list pane.

Charlotte Whitt April 8, 2019 at 12:38 PM
Hi - this wide margin at bottom is a general problem, also seen in Users and other apps. So hopefully it should be a quick fix - short term solution.
Implementing the feature for Filip's redesign ( + ), will be the solution long term.


Steps to reproduce:
Log into any environment as diku_admin
Click open Inventory
View results without applying any filters
Results fill entire page
Scroll down to view more results
Expected results: Entire screen fills with additional matching results
Actual Results: More results are loaded, but they don't fill the entire page. There seems to be a wide, white margin at the bottom of the list. See screencast:
Note: If you can't repro with above steps, you may need to do some additional clicking around first. Try this:
Go to users and find a user with open loans
Click to view the open loans
Click the "..." menu for one of the open loans and select item details
This will take you to the item in Inventory
Close the item record and the preview pane for the instance record
At this point, you should start to see the wide margin issue at the bottom of the search results if you didn't see it before
Additional results: This problem seems worse the more records are in the file. Not so bad in but there are only 1467 records. Bad in, which currently has 47,000 +.