- escapeCqlValue for " \ ^ * ?STUTL-33
- remove paginationBoundaries from SearchAndSortSTSMACOM-717Resolved issue: STSMACOM-717Zak Burke
- BREAKING remove service-worker handlingSTRWEB-125Resolved issue: STRWEB-125Zak Burke
- move shared dependencies to peersSTRIPESFF-25
- Upgrade React-Redux to v8STRIPES-834Resolved issue: STRIPES-834Ryan Berger
- Define or Implement next steps to address split stripes-core featureSTRIPES-820Resolved issue: STRIPES-820Michal Kuklis
- Investigation: replace deprecated moment time librarySTRIPES-699John Coburn
- bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1STDTC-79Resolved issue: STDTC-79Uladislau Samets
- BREAKING remove token-based authentication codeSTCOR-918Resolved issue: STCOR-918Zak Burke
- Remove stripes web parts from stripes-coreSTCOR-663Resolved issue: STCOR-663Michal Kuklis
- remove service-point handlingSTCOR-650Resolved issue: STCOR-650Zak Burke
- remove SWR cruft from abandoned POCSTCOR-611Resolved issue: STCOR-611Zak Burke
- BREAKING remove deprecated propsSTCOM-1398Resolved issue: STCOM-1398Zak Burke
- Migrate "clickOutside" detection away from react-overlaysSTCOM-1339Resolved issue: STCOM-1339John Coburn
- React-overlays removalSTCOM-1336Resolved issue: STCOM-1336
- Swap react-svg-loader for svgrSTCOM-1144Resolved issue: STCOM-1144John Coburn
- Analysis and dev: update/replace popper.jsSTCOM-1133
- replace moment with day.jsSTCOM-1094John Coburn
- Clean up deprecations in Modal/ConfirmationModalSTCOM-1048Resolved issue: STCOM-1048John Coburn
- Clean up deprecations in MCL (paginationBoundaries prop)STCOM-1047Resolved issue: STCOM-1047John Coburn
- provide `lint` commandSTCLI-207
- Separate out chronology and enumerationMODSER-42Resolved issue: MODSER-42Owen Stephens
- Delete deprecated instance-storage-batch APIMODINVSTOR-1182Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1182Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Remove the /query/{id}/sortedIds API endpointMODFQMMGR-418
- API version updateMODFQMMGR-304Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-304
- Update complex entity type POLMODFQMMGR-287Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-287Kriti Jain
- Update complex entity type Organizations - contact infoMODFQMMGR-262Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-262Kriti Jain
- Orchid 2023 R1 - Stripes v8 updateFOLREL-578Resolved issue: FOLREL-578Oleksii Petrenko
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