Separate out chronology and enumeration
Potential Workaround
has to be finished together with
relates to
Jack Golding January 23, 2025 at 1:40 PM
As of Jan 23, 2025 this can be considered “completed” currently awaiting the completion of before this can be merged through
Jag Goraya November 25, 2024 at 11:36 AM
Nov 25, 2024
Separate domain models for chronology and enumneration
Update services to use separate domain models
Add migrations (as cleanup) -
implementation to be discussed with @Ethan Freestone
functional testing of migrations to be tested by devs
migration testing outcome on Sunflower Bugfest environment (@Owen Stephens )
Update frontend to use revised domain models
Update (predicted piece set spec) integration tests and rulesets
Review breaking change deployment process during code review- @Ethan Freestone
Jack Golding August 21, 2024 at 2:14 PMEdited
As it currently stands, when creating a new publication pattern all labelling rules (chronology and enumeration) are added to a single rules array within the template config. Within the backend this array is then separated into two individual arrays containing exclusively the enumeration and chronology in each in or for them to to be used within the templating engine i.e chronology1.year, enumeration1.level1 etc.
{ rules: [chronology1, enumeration1, chronology2] } -> { enumerationArray: [enumeration1], chronologyArray: [chronology1, chronology2]}
The proposed change is to separate out the templateConfig.rules array into individual chronologyRules and enumerationRules arrays (names subject to change), upon this change the frontend form would also be updated to reflect these changes.
This would pull the shape of the templateConfig inline with the templating engine format removing the need to separate out the rules array within the labelling service and will allow remove the necessity for dynamic class allocation within the templateplateMetadataRuleClass, which should reduce potential problems in the future with regards to editing the ruleset after saving. Furthermore it will also result in no longer needing special formatting functions on the frontend when transforming the saved JSON shape to the form values.
This would be considered a breaking API change as we would be changing the shape of the JSON being passed to the controller, additionally migrations would be required for separate existing templateConfig rules.
avoid template config manipulation
simplify how this is consumed by the frontend)
In Scope
hasManyRules → hasManyTemplateRules etc
testing approach (automated and manual)