- [Investigate] Organizations edit flowUIORGS-370Dennis Bridges
- Response 500 for NLA normal load test with Data Import job (2 SP)PERF-582Denis Anischenko
- Investigate potential memory leak for DI modulesPERF-541Resolved issue: PERF-541Leonid Kolesnykov
- Update calling existing RMB "Read" methods to use new RMB Readonly APIsMODUSERS-328Gurleen Kaur1
- Update mod_source_record_manager.job_execution table with additional fieldMODSOURMAN-1017
- SPIKE: Investigate why chunks continue processing after DI job is completedMODSOURMAN-982Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-982
- CLONE - Importing 10,000 MARC authority records > Completes with errors due to timeoutMODSOURCE-629Resolved issue: MODSOURCE-629Aliaksandr Fedasiuk
- Handle NullPointerException in mod-ebsconetMODNOTES-262Resolved issue: MODNOTES-262Roman_Fedynyshyn
- Investigate warnings for mod-notesMODNOTES-254Resolved issue: MODNOTES-254
- Investigate performance degradation caused by the triggerMODINVSTOR-1122Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1122
- 504 Gateway Time-out during copying data [incremental harvesting]MODINVSTOR-1052Viachaslau Khandramai
- Query by createdDate is slowMODINVSTOR-1035
- Update calling existing RMB "Read" methods to use new RMB Readonly APIsMODINVSTOR-960
- Investigate memory usage degradation mod-inventory-storageMODINVSTOR-957Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-957
- Investigate mod-fqm-manager Out Of Memory ErrorMODFQMMGR-501Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-501Leonid Kolesnykov
- Investigate search without indexes for mod-feesfinesMODFEE-319Resolved issue: MODFEE-319Alexander Kurash
- Bulk edit: jobs start_time and end_time in the database and the Export manager can be irrelevant for jobs IN_PROGRESSMODEXPW-404Resolved issue: MODEXPW-404Oleksandr Bozhko
- Jobs with no orders can be performed for few hours (up to 4 hours)MODEXPS-152
- The day of the month can not be set up for Monthly EDIFACTMODEXPS-148Resolved issue: MODEXPS-148Dennis Bridges
- Handle 500 Internal Server ErrorMODEBSNET-57Resolved issue: MODEBSNET-57Roman_Fedynyshyn
- DI job is completed but has progress bar in UI and couldn`t be deletedMODDATAIMP-929Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-929Noah Overcash
- [PTF] SPIKE: Investigate differences between fs09000000, fs07000001, and fs07000002 tenants.MODDATAIMP-776Renat Safiulin
- [Spike] investigate issueMODDATAIMP-748Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-748
- SPIKE: Files in /tmp/data-import-files folder are not deleted after 7 daysMODDATAIMP-747Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-747
- Investigate search without indexes for mod-configurationMODCONF-136Jakub Skoczen
- [Orchid][Bulk Edit] It takes too long to get a preview of changes when the location value is removedMODBULKOPS-86Resolved issue: MODBULKOPS-86Magda Zacharska
- [ENHANCEMENT] Separate bulk edit item job for 2 jobs bulk_edit_identifiers and bulk_edit_updateMODBULKED-28Resolved issue: MODBULKED-28Viachaslau Khandramai
- Investigate search without indexes for mod-circulation-storageCIRCSTORE-394Resolved issue: CIRCSTORE-394
- Update calling existing RMB "Read" methods to use new RMB Readonly APIsCIRCSTORE-359Resolved issue: CIRCSTORE-359Roman Barannyk
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