Loan Rules: Search and Filter
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Julian Ladisch June 21, 2018 at 3:01 PM
You may use the test loan rules feature ( for searching and get a list of matches, each match can be a clickable link into the loan rules file.
If that is not enough we need advanced back-end support for the search, passing back the results in some to be defined format and have the front-end display them. Do we really need these bells and whistles?
Michal Kuklis June 18, 2018 at 5:26 PM
@Cate Boerema we have a very basic search in place which does currently work if you add the rule names. For example:
priority: t, s, c, b, a, m, g
# rule 1
fallback-policy: one-hour
# rule 2
m book: example-loan-policy
if you search by "rule 2" the filter will show m book: example-loan-policy only.
It looks like what is proposed in the video needs to be more sophisticated (because we need the ability to search for given rule definitions). We will need a custom input text component which would understand the loan rule syntax. Unfortunately I'm not sure how long this will take. Perhaps @John Coburn or @Rasmus Wølk would have a better idea here.
Ability to search and filter loan rules. While there is a "filter" field already in the Loan rules feature in folio, it doesn't seem to work. This feature represents the work needed to get the search and filter working.
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