Federation-based SSO authentication - basic support
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Tim Auger April 28, 2023 at 4:40 PM
talk with Vince and Olamide about this and UXPROD's for oauth and related.

Tod Olson October 14, 2020 at 6:24 PM
A mockup of a revised SSO settings page is attached:
The primary change is adding a text input for the IdP's entityID, this will be required to identify the desired IdP in the file of federation metadata. This brings up a question for the back-end devs: do you need a switch to say this is a federated configuration, or can you infer that from the presence of the IdP entityID and the multiple EntityDescriptor
There is a secondary change in the wireframe for clarity in the UI: clearly mark the IdP and SP configuration areas, and tweak the labels for clarity.

Tod Olson May 18, 2020 at 1:48 PM
Re-opened. Confirmed that the Open Athens authentication is not federation-aware, just one-off manual trust agreement between and SP and IdP. (Thanks, Craig McNally!)

Hkaplanian June 15, 2019 at 7:20 PM
Since FOLIO can connect to OpenAthens, I believe this is taken care of and can be closed.

Hkaplanian June 15, 2019 at 7:19 PM
I believe this is done since we can connect via OpenAthens. Closing for now.

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Current situation or problem:
Currently FOLIO requires the manual coordination of one-to-one trust relationships every time we have a new FOLIO SP or take down an old one, or whenever the SP or IdP updates metadata. Instead, provide basic support for the major Higher Ed SAML federations such as InCommon and/or eduGAIN so we can stop the manual coordination of one-to-one trust relationships.
In scope:
Configure FOLIO SP with the URI for federation metadata and the entityId of the campus IdP and use that to retrieve and configure the IdP metadata.
Periodically check the federation metadata for updates and automatically bring in updates to the IdP metadata. The checking interval should be configurable as policies may differ between federations.
Out of scope:
Authentication of users from IdPs in the federation other than the IdP specifically indicated.
Support for authentication against multiple IdPs.
Use case(s):
Proposed solution/stories (optional):
Links to additional information:
SAML V2.0 Implementation Profile for Federation Interoperability
Best practices when consuming InCommon metadata
Federation best practices - InCommon Federation
How to implement basic identity federation