Authority Control - Authority Source File Logic Improvements
Context: To expand our support for how libraries want to populate $0 and maintain their workflows for creating MARC authority records, logic improvements must be made to authority source files. Logic updates must be aligned with Linked Data business and technical requirements.
Change logic for defining authority source file prefixes.
Allow a tenant to have authority source files with the same prefix but different authority source file name and URL OR another field.
Allow a tenant to edit the prefix values on reference authority source file.
Change logic for populating $0. Allow tenant to decide what MARC field to use.
Context: To expand our support for how libraries want to populate $0 and maintain their workflows for creating MARC authority records, logic improvements must be made to authority source files. Logic updates must be aligned with Linked Data business and technical requirements.
Change logic for defining authority source file prefixes.
Allow a tenant to have authority source files with the same prefix but different authority source file name and URL OR another field.
Allow a tenant to edit the prefix values on reference authority source file.
Change logic for populating $0. Allow tenant to decide what MARC field to use.