FEATURE: Data governance


Current situation or problem:

A primary goal of the Thin Thread is to create a Data Graph representative of the library's collections. This requires transforming existing MARC records into resource descriptions and storing them alongside resource descriptions created natively in the Linked Data Editor. 

While the library transitions its operations from MARC-based workflows to Linked Data-based workflows, it will need to establish governance practices over the collections in the interim. In other words, as catalogers work in both MARC and in Linked Data environments during the transition period, what governing practices for metadata must be established and enforced?

In scope

  • Defining governance rules for sets of resource descriptions

  • Setting indicators on resource descriptions based on governance rules

  • Creating and enforcing workflow restrictions based on resource description indicators

    • Where source = LINKED_DATA, cataloger can edit resource only in the Linked Data Editor

    • Permissions at cataloger level for accessing the Linked Data Editor

    • Displaying a resource through Inventory when a cataloger lacks permission / authority to edit in the Linked Data Editor

Out of scope

  • Ability to configure governance rules administratively through the application

  • Bulk edit actions

Use case(s)

  1. Resource description derived from MARC record where governing source = MARC

  2. Resource description derived from MARC record where governing source = LINKED_DATA

  3. Resource description created natively in Marva where governing source = LINKED_DATA

Proposed solution/stories

Links to additional info


  • Spell out user experience for different types of catalogers (e.g. how editing will be shown; what to do if they don't have permissions)

  • Spell out how administrator would be able to control who has access to what.

  • For output, identify when a record in MARC format, was derived from resource description, governing source = LINKED_DATA

  • Question about parallel 880 fields, linking two text strings into the same field. Romanization. Cataloging policy currently centered on policy

  • Question about mapping from Data.Graph directly to Instances in Inventory


Discussion with LC

  • Generally speaking, work performed by cataloger in the Linked Data Editor and saved to the database triggers an event where the metadata governance source changes from MARC to LINKED_DATA

  • May need to allow for use cases (e.g. small edits made to a resource in Marva) where the cataloger is prompted whether to save the resource as LINKED_DATA)

  • May need a permission that allows a user to 'declare' a group of resources as governed by LINKED_DATA

  • Q: how to apply governance principles with bulk edit

    • one option: apply bulk edit against Data.Graph resources and where existing governing source = MARC, flip to LINKED_DATA (caveat, will this lock out catalogers not yet trained in linked data / BIBFRAME)

    • another option: apply bulk edit jobs separately against records by governing source. (Duplicates effort; makes bulk edit more complex and complicated)

    • Policy issue to take up with LCAP

    • another option: give library control over the ability to flip governing source with appropriate bulk edit tools

  • Inventory must be aware of governing rules in order to provide appropriate options to catalogers

    • when catalogers with Linked Data Editor permissions search Inventory, and find/select an instance, Inventory should display the option of editing the resource in the Linked Data Editor

    • for catalogers without Linked Data Editor permissions, Inventory shows just the Instance record - no option to edit

    • when catalogers find/select an Instance in Inventory, Inventory will display the appropriate option for editing (if/as available)

  • Export - capture governing with record

  • Ability to export by governing source 

  • Capture when governing source changes

  • Q: Reverse governing source / does that also reverse the MARC record

  • Q: Do we want to preserve the last version of a MARC record before transforming to source = LINKED_DATA?

  • Record keeping requirements at federal government level


Fix versions

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Ramsons (R2 2024)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs

Created September 5, 2023 at 5:03 PM
Updated January 6, 2025 at 3:01 PM
Resolved January 6, 2025 at 3:01 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs