Support claiming integration via EDIFACT order export



Currently FOLIO does not support claim responses via EDIFACT

This is the file format EBSCO Supports for EDI Claims from ILS Vendors. The customer and vendor EDI Codes are the same codes we use if the customer is also received EDI Invoices. The claims from the ILS Vendor are delivered to a customer specific FTP Folder. We run a job every evening at approximately 5:30PM Central and retrieve and process the EDI Claims. An Email Acknowledgement is sent to the customer with the EDI file converter into an Excel File listing each claim received.

We must receive the Unique Vendor Order Number and/or the Unique ILS PO Line Number in each claim.

RFF+LI:POL-331'- This is the Library System Unique Order Line

RFF+SNA:C12345' – This would be the unique Vendor Order Number


  • Add new UI-only module for claims (based on receiving pieces, NOT receiving titles)

    • Allow review of all claim-eligible pieces

    • Default to pieces in “late” status

    • Manage by Organization

    • Allow for review in batch

  • Add claiming as Organization integration type

    • Allow assigning of integration based on custom field in Order or POL

  • Add expected receiving status of “claim sent”

  • Scheduled (nightly) process to process pieces in “send claim” status via claiming integration

    • All claims with an associated vendor should be in the same claims batch (not one by one)

  • Enable automated claiming: when piece is late, it can automatically place that piece in “review claim” status

  • Support response messages

  • Split order integrations from claiming integrations (e.g. allow orders via EDIFACT and claiming via E-mail)

  • Allow csv download of claims when no claim integration defined

    • CSV should contain same order data as EDI file



Leipzig team is doing concurrent work on email ordering and claiming. We should be careful to coordinate on any possible dependencies (such as claim cycles).


Development Team



Solution Architect

Parent Field Value


Parent Status


is defined by



TestRail: Results





PO Rank


Front End Estimate

XL < 15 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

XL < 15 days

Back End Estimator

Back-End Confidence factor



Sunflower (R1 2025)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 8, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Updated February 24, 2025 at 5:43 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs