Check out to user without barcode
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Cornelia Awenius February 27, 2025 at 4:47 PMEdited
RA review: this would have implications on the circ log. Workarounds exist.
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee August 17, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Note that this issue is going to be problematic for Duke, as many of our students are now no longer getting physical cards by default, while faculty and staff are - we have been pushing physical card IDs into the barcode field, and mobile IDs into a custom field (which is why we did
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee February 9, 2021 at 6:21 PM
A little more exploration (and just noting if others are interested) - I played with this on Snapshot today using developer tools.
When checking out an item to a patron who does not have a barcode, it passes an empty string in the POST - it looks like
Cheryl Malmborg February 8, 2021 at 11:17 PM
@(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Erin, Checkout does work as you described. It does require that the user record contain a username. If I change the settings to use only folio record number, I get the message that the user does not have a username.
I think institutions that requested this feature wanted to look up patrons by name. Not all institutions may assign usernames to non-staff. The system should be able to supply folio record number from a user chosen from the user display.
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee February 8, 2021 at 2:15 PM
@Cheryl Malmborg I actually think this is working, based on what I saw on snapshot last week.
In Settings --> Circulation --> Other Settings, you have the four checkout ID boxes, which by default are unchecked on snapshot. But if you go into settings, you have to set a value in order to save that screen.
Once you select any value, the checkout option works on the IDs you select.
So say you don't want to require a barcode, but maybe use the username instead. If you check that box, your users have to have the username value saved, but don't have to have a barcode.
So essentially FOLIO requires at least one of the identifiers to be used, but it doesn't have to be the barcode. I think if you just wanted to rely on the patron search modal, and not require any of the ID fields, you could use the FOLIO record number as the identifier. It would force you to search for a patron every time.
It would be good if someone else could verify this, but if I'm correct, I think that the existing functionality can be documented and this feature can be closed.
Current situation or problem:
FOLIO prevents checking out to users without barcodes, though users can be created without barcodes.
In scope
Allow for check out of user without barcode
Out of scope
Use case(s)
Often the case for new users (e.g., college freshmen)
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