Anonymizing closed loans through settings: exception for fee/fine action
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- 13 Sep 2022, 09:00 PM
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Stephanie Buck September 15, 2022 at 2:20 PM
Addressed in Lotus.
Cheryl Malmborg September 13, 2022 at 9:00 PM
@Stephanie Buck @Khalilah Gambrell @(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
I think this can be closed see attachment from Lotus
Marc Johnson May 13, 2020 at 4:42 PM
@Emma Boettcher
I realize I've been mistakenly referring to fee/fine actions as payment methods in this story and others. I will edit this feature accordingly. I'm not sure of the answer to your question.
That's ok, this is why I ask lots of awkward questions.
I think I'm still trying to understand the distinction between an action and a payment method. In the system at the moment, an action has a payment method.
At the moment, I'm assuming that there will be some logic to figure out the precedence of the various payment methods in the actions for a fee.
What this does mean is that loan anonymization will likely need to get slower if it needs to fetch the actions for a fee / fine, not only the fee / fine.
Emma Boettcher May 13, 2020 at 4:23 PM
@Marc Johnson Following @Holly Mistlebauer's clarification on Slack, I realize I've been mistakenly referring to fee/fine actions as payment methods in this story and others. I will edit this feature accordingly. I'm not sure of the answer to your question.
Marc Johnson May 13, 2020 at 8:06 AM
@Emma Boettcher @Cate Boerema @Holly Mistlebauer
Yes, payment method refers to reason for closure.
Out of curiosity of the fees and fines domain, if there could be multiple payments made (some of which might be waivers) how is an overall reason for closure determined (or is it not)?
Current situation or problem:
As of Fameflower, users can configure anonymization settings so that loans without associated fees/fines are anonymized on a different schedule than loans with associated fees/fines. For example, a user can configure loans without fees/fines to be anonymized a week after the item is checked in, but anonymize a loan with an associated fee/fine a year (or never, or some other interval of time) after that fee/fine is closed.
The same group of settings also has a UI differentiating anonymization by payment method, but these settings are inactive.
In scope
Relabel "payment method" in those settings "fee/fine action"
Implement logic to make those settings active
Out of scope
Use case(s)
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Links to additional info
If different fee/fine actions are applied to the same fee/fine or on fees/fines for the same loan, which setting takes precedence?