Create MVP Fee/Fine Permissions - Q3 2019 release


For the MVP we will have the following permissions via UXPROD-1878, this feature, which was released with Q3 2019:
1. Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks (exists on

For the MVP we will have the following permissions via UXPROD-2046 (planned for Q4 2019):
1. Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine settings (exists) but needs to include view patron notices
2. Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines (exists on
3. Fees/Fines: Can pay (needed for users that are only allowed to accept payments)
4. User: Can view fees/fines (will cover Fees/Fines History and Fee/Fine Details)
5. User: Can view patron blocks
6. Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine policies

For the MVP we will have the following override permission via UXPROD-1130 (planned for Q4 2019):
1. Override patron block

Cate is working on a set of permissions for the MVP which will cover the following for Fees/Fines:
1. Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine settings (which exists) will have view patron notices permissions bundled with it
2. Fees/Fines: All Actions permission (which exists) will be renamed to Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines, and the patron blocks permission will be removed
3. Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks will be created to cover patron blocks separate from fees/fines

(Note: Cate is planning to create one user story for User Permissions, which means that the UNAM team won't have to make the above changes. We will, however, need to make the changes effective outside of Users.)

For the MVP we will have the following permissions via UXPROD-1878:
1. Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine settings (exists) but needs to include view patron notices
2. Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines (exists on
3. Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks (exists on

For the MVP we will have the following override permission via UXPROD-1130:
1. Override patron block

It looks like someone has created a lot more permissions than the basic ones we wanted for the MVP. At Holly found...

  • Fee/Fine Details: Can create, edit and remove fee/fine actions (needs to be changed to Fee/Fine Details: Can create additional staff info)

  • Fee/Fine History: Can create, edit and remove accounts (don't need--everything in Fees/Fines History is covered by other permissions)

  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine settings (this covers all settings--everyone is fine with this for now)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove comments comment required (change "comments" to "comment required"--don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove feesfines manual charges (change this to "manual charges"--don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove owners (don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove payment methods (add "methods" to end--don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove refunds reasons (add "reasons" to end--don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove transfer accounts (don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove transfer criteria (don't need for MVP)

    • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove waive reasons (add "reasons" to end--don't need for MVP)

  • Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines (don't need this if we have individual settings Fees/Fines: Can XXXXXX--this was going to be used for the MVP in lieu of individual settings)

    • Fees/Fines: Can charge

    • Fees/Fines: Can pay

    • Fees/Fines: Can waive

    • Fees/Fines: Can refund (need to add this permission to be consistent)

    • Fees/Fines: Can cancel (need to add this permission to be consistent)

    • Fees/Fines: Can transfer (need to add this permission to be consistent)

  • Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks

What are these permissions for? <==found out on August 21 @PO meeting that these are mostly like "invisible permissions"
comments collection get
comments item delete
comments item get
comments item post
comments item put
feefineactions collection get
feefineactions item delete
feefineactions item get
feefineactions item post
feefineactions item put
feefines collection get
feefines item delete
feefines item get
feefines item post
feefines item put
feefines read-basic
feefines read-restricted
manualblocks collection get
manualblocks item delete
manualblocks item get
manualblocks item post
manualblocks item put
owners collection get
owners item delete
owners item get
owners item post
owners item put
payments collection get
payments item delete
payments item get
payments item post
payments item put
refunds collection get
refunds item delete
refunds item get
refunds item post
refunds item put
transfer criteria collection get
transfer criteria item delete
transfer criteria item get
transfer criteria item post
transfer criteria item put
transfers collection get
transfers item delete
transfers item get
transfers item post
transfers item put
waives collection get
waives item delete
waives item get
waives item post
waives item put


Fix versions

Development Team



Solution Architect

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TestRail: Results



Holly Mistlebauer September 12, 2019 at 8:17 PM

This is part 1 of the MVP permissions. Part 2 is in Q4 2019.

Holly Mistlebauer September 12, 2019 at 7:18 PM

: Hi! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. The use case you are defining has not been accounted for in the MVP. We have identified 3 permissions for the MVP:

1. Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove fee/fine settings - this permission allows the user to make any changes they want to the fees/fines settings
2. Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines - this permissions allows the user to charge, pay, waive, refund, transfer and cancel fees/fines
3. Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks - this permission allows the user to create, edit and delete patron blocks

We are trying to keep the permissions to a minimum for the MVP, but it sounds like we need to add at least one more for users who are allowed to accept payments but not do anything else.
The permission Fees/Fines: Can pay was to be added as part of (Create Final Fee/Fine Permission), but we can add it as part of this MVP feature.


P.S. We also have an "Override patron block" permission as part of the MVP.

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee August 20, 2019 at 3:48 PM

Duke and other institutions will want to have the ability for a staff member to have permissions to accept a payment for a fine, but not to create or waive fines. It's not clear from the description whether that use case has been accounted for in the MVP permissions model.




Potential Workaround

Holly: The POs met with Cate on 7/12/2019 to discuss MVP User permissions. This is what we have decided as a workaround.

PO Rank


PO Ranking Note

The ranking for UXPROD-1249 (Create Final Fee/Fine Permissions) is 120, so I used a close rank for this related feature.

Front End Estimate

Very Small (VS) < 1day

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

Small < 3 days

Back End Estimator

Rank: Chalmers (Impl Aut 2019)


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 12, 2019 at 2:18 PM
Updated August 31, 2021 at 3:15 PM
Resolved September 12, 2019 at 8:17 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs