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Purpose: Allowing users to create permission sets without giving them titles is a bad idea. It will clutter the permission menu with unrecognizable sets (and, in fact, it currently populates the permission set menu with a very long internal identifier which is quite ugly)
Given a permission set with no Title populated
When I navigate away from the set
Then a "Please fill this in to continue" validation message should display
Given the permission set create/edit page
When displayed
Then the Title field label should be accompanied by an asterisk to indicate that it's required
Given Settings > Users > Permission Sets
When a permission set is open but the Title field is empty
Then the permission set list should display "Untitled" instead of "Untitled permission set"
Given a permission set is saved without a name (say, if a user closes the tab without supplying a name)
When the unnamed permission is displayed in the permissions menu on User Details
Then the permission set list should display "Untitled" instead of the internal identifier
Okay, if making the permission set name required is a huge deal, we can forget it for now. Scenario 4 will make things a lot cleaner in cases where a name isn't supplied. If we're not going to do scenario 1, we shouldn't do scenario 2. I'll update the story accordingly.
Zak Burke August 9, 2017 at 12:43 PM
Scenarios 2, 3, and 4 are trivial, just relabeling things.
Scenario 1 is a different story. A permission set is created and saved (with an empty title) as soon as you click the "+" button, so we would have to change how permission sets are created to implement this feature. Additionally, the set is saved whenever a field loses focus, which counteracts showing a validation message when navigating away from a dirty form since the very act of navigating away is what saves the form.
Certainly, it's possible to change how this page works, but this feels like a much bigger change than what is outlined in Scenario 1. Proceed?
Purpose: Allowing users to create permission sets without giving them titles is a bad idea. It will clutter the permission menu with unrecognizable sets (and, in fact, it currently populates the permission set menu with a very long internal identifier which is quite ugly)
Given a permission set with no Title populated
When I navigate away from the set
Then a "Please fill this in to continue" validation message should display
Given the permission set create/edit page
When displayed
Then the Title field label should be accompanied by an asterisk to indicate that it's required
Given Settings > Users > Permission Sets
When a permission set is open but the Title field is empty
Then the permission set list should display "Untitled" instead of "Untitled permission set"
Given a permission set is saved without a name (say, if a user closes the tab without supplying a name)
When the unnamed permission is displayed in the permissions menu on User Details
Then the permission set list should display "Untitled" instead of the internal identifier