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Purpose: To connect the Address types which are CRUDed in settings with the user record
Given the User details page (view, edit and create)
When repeatable address group is displayed
Then the Address type menu should contain the Address types from Settings > Users
Given the Address type control in Settings
When a new Address type is created
Then it should display in the Address type menu on the user details page
When a Address type is deleted
Then it should be removed from the Address type menu on user details
Given a Address type is assigned to a user record
When delete is attempted in Settings
Then it should not be allowed (delete should be suppressed however is easiest for now - disabled button, error message, whatever - we'll modify later)
Given the Address type control
When a Address type is edited
Then the edits should be reflected in the Address type field on user details
Manually tested in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.8.0, using Chrome.
Tested the Users App, and in Settings. Checked Scenarios 1-5. All looks good.
I'll close this issue as done
Purpose: To connect the Address types which are CRUDed in settings with the user record
Given the User details page (view, edit and create)
When repeatable address group is displayed
Then the Address type menu should contain the Address types from Settings > Users
Given the Address type control in Settings
When a new Address type is created
Then it should display in the Address type menu on the user details page
Given the Address type control in Settings
When a Address type is deleted
Then it should be removed from the Address type menu on user details
Given a Address type is assigned to a user record
When delete is attempted in Settings
Then it should not be allowed (delete should be suppressed however is easiest for now - disabled button, error message, whatever - we'll modify later)
Given the Address type control
When a Address type is edited
Then the edits should be reflected in the Address type field on user details