Clicking Name Sort in User List Results in Records Only Displaying to C
Overview: Clicking to sort user list by name results in only records with last names from A-C being displayed. Other users that were previously showing with last names starting with other letters no longer display.
Steps to Repro:
Log into demo-test
Go to Users
Click Name to sort by that column
Expected: All records should display and be sorted alpha according to Last name, first
Actual: Only records with last names beginning with the letters A through C display
Oh, I see. Hopefully we'll be getting infinite scroll this sprint. Thanks!
Mike Taylor June 6, 2017 at 4:40 PM
This one is not a bug. All that's happening is that Users at the moment tops out at listing 30 records, and the first 30 when you sort alphabetically are all for users whose names begin A-C. I verified the sequence of operations, the record counts and the HTTP transactions and they are all good.
What we want, of course, is infinite scroll. That is STRIPES-361, and it will be along eventually – at the moment I think it's waiting on some collaboration between @Jason Skomorowski and @John Coburn. But until we have that, the present behaviour is the best we can do.
Mike Taylor June 5, 2017 at 8:48 PM
Interesting. It seems to have got confused by your cloning – it looks like I was getting a description from the cloned record with the title of the new one. Anyway, this one looks all right now, maybe they all do.
Cate Boerema June 5, 2017 at 7:51 PM
I think your JIRA display must be corrupted or something. These all look fine to me
Mike Taylor June 5, 2017 at 7:37 PM
The description of this one does not match the title.
Overview: Clicking to sort user list by name results in only records with last names from A-C being displayed. Other users that were previously showing with last names starting with other letters no longer display.
Steps to Repro:
Log into demo-test
Go to Users
Click Name to sort by that column
Expected: All records should display and be sorted alpha according to Last name, first
Actual: Only records with last names beginning with the letters A through C display