Settings: Inconsistent behavior when entering blank Patron Group
Patron Group is a required field. The UNAM development team modeled CRUD Fee/Fine Owner after Patron Group, and while testing Fee/Fine Owner I realized it has similar problems to Patron Groups.
1. The first time I tried to enter a blank Patron Group, I got an unfriendly system error message rather than a user friendly one (see attached ScreenPrint1.jpg).
2. I then entered the Description and left the Patron Group blank. I did not get an error message this time. The entry was saved with a blank. (See attached ScreenPrint2.jpg).
3. I then deleted the blank entries and tried entering a blank Patron Group again (#1 above). This time it went through without an error message. (See attached ScreenPrint3.jpg).
4. I then tried #2 above again. This time I received the error message show in attached Screenprint4.jpg.
That issue is In Review currently and these this set of issues was fixed as part of the PRs. It's live on folio-testing.
Cate Boerema March 16, 2018 at 11:06 AM
@md331, I added some scenarios to STCOM-228 to cover validation for required fields. I will assign this to you for now. You can close it, if you think it is redundant at this point, or just leave it open so we can retest when STCOM-228 is complete. Thanks
Cate Boerema March 15, 2018 at 12:10 PM
@md331, tagging you here as a heads up, since you are working stcom-228 and this might be fixed by that?
Cate Boerema March 15, 2018 at 9:45 AM
@Jakub Skoczen, I am not sure how much we should continue to fix issues with patron group crud given we are planning STCOM-228 (Make EditableList Component Behave Like Patron Group CRUD). Thoughts?
Patron Group is a required field. The UNAM development team modeled CRUD Fee/Fine Owner after Patron Group, and while testing Fee/Fine Owner I realized it has similar problems to Patron Groups.
1. The first time I tried to enter a blank Patron Group, I got an unfriendly system error message rather than a user friendly one (see attached ScreenPrint1.jpg).
2. I then entered the Description and left the Patron Group blank. I did not get an error message this time. The entry was saved with a blank. (See attached ScreenPrint2.jpg).
3. I then deleted the blank entries and tried entering a blank Patron Group again (#1 above). This time it went through without an error message. (See attached ScreenPrint3.jpg).
4. I then tried #2 above again. This time I received the error message show in attached Screenprint4.jpg.
The results are very inconsistent. For this test I used Chrome at on March 14, 2018.