Move Loans Links into Actions Menu
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results

Theodor Tolstoy ( April 6, 2018 at 8:23 AM
Zak Burke March 20, 2018 at 1:10 AM
Scenario 4 describes a bug; moving it to UIIN-122.
Created March 1, 2018 at 12:29 PM
Updated September 4, 2018 at 3:22 PM
Resolved April 6, 2018 at 8:23 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Purpose: To move the links to other record types into the actions menu. UAT indicated that it was confusing that you could quickly link off to different types of records but not get to Loan Details unless you found the option in the actions menu. We are going to move links to other records into the actions menu AND also make it possible to access Loan details by just clicking on the row itself.
Given Users > Loans
When a loan is displaying on the Open or Closed loans tab
Title should no longer be a link to the item record
Barcode should no longer be a link to the item record
An action should be added to the Actions menu (in the ellipses) for "Item details" (should take you to item details)
Given the Actions menu for a checked out item in the Check out app
When displayed
Menu options should be left-aligned
Menu options should be displayed in alphabetical order
Given the Actions menu for a checked out item in the Check out app
When right click on a menu item
Then I should be presented with the standard browser link menu which includes the ability to open in a new tab
Scenario (moved to UIIN-122)
Given the actions menu for a checked out item in the Check out app
When I select an item that takes me to another app AND I subsequently use the browser back button
Then I should be returned to the Loans page
Given a loan on the Open or Closed loans tab of the Loans page
When I click anywhere in the row
Then Loan details should open (Loan details should also remain as an option in the actions menu)