Add Call Number, Material Type and Contributors to Loan Details and Other Loan Actions Tweaks
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results
Ann-Marie Breaux April 20, 2018 at 12:55 PM
Hi I'm not able to click the contributor ellipses, but I don't think it's a big deal. Not sure why you need to see every single contributor in the loan details anyway.
Scenario 2: thanks, seems like all is good now.
And apologies I meant scenario 4, not scenario 6. @cate clarified, so that scenario is OK now too. My guess is the "not" came from a copy/paste of the scenario above.
So closing this ticket. Thanks, everyone!
Aditya matukumalli April 20, 2018 at 12:45 PM
The popup should work when you click on the ellipsis. Can you please confirm? Also, you have mentioned in the comments above that there is an issue with scenario 6? (I don't see any comments on this scenario). Can you confirm this as well?
Cate Boerema April 20, 2018 at 9:07 AM
Should be a link - sorry for the confusion!
Ann-Marie Breaux April 20, 2018 at 4:56 AM
Thanks for the changes. Still a couple issues with scenarios 1 & 4, and scenario 6 problem not yet addressed. Getting closer though!
For scenario 6, please confirm whether the proxy field in the loan details should or should not be a hot link. See screenshot attached "Proxy as hotlink" which is how it's currently working
Aditya matukumalli April 19, 2018 at 9:29 PM
added the changes in
Purpose: To populate newly available inventory data on Loan details including Call number, Authors and Material Type. Also to make assorted other changes to bring loan details closer inline with the mockup. Note, while there is a simple implementation of Call number in place at the holding record, there are plans to extend that implementation with call number and call number prefix at the item level. We'll need to come back when that's implemented and make sure the correct data is coming through on this page.
Given the Loan details page
When displayed
Call number field should display the data populated in the Call number data element in the holding associated with the item
Authors field should:
Be relabeled "Contributors"
Display the data populated in the Contributors data element in the instance associated with the item
This is a multi-valued field so there may be many contributors
Display and wrap names as shown in the mockup Display is better, but now the pop-up isn't happening when there is an ellipsis
Display remaining names in popup similar to the one shown here:
Material type for the item should display in parentheses next to the Title as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the Loan details page
When displayed
Then the fields and columns should be reordered so the placement matches that shown in the mockup
looks better now; bottom half is still missing the "desk" column (next to last column in the mockup) CB: , this is okay. We don't have desks implemented yet. Sorry, should have made that more clearly out of scope.
Given the Borrower name
When displayed
Then it should not be a link, despite what is shown in the mockup
Given the Proxy borrower name
When displayed
Then it should not be a link to the user record for the proxy borrower (should also be able to right click and open in new tab)
should or should not be a link? If not a link, how could you right click it? Currently it's a link - see "Proxy borrower hot link" screenshot attached CB: Doh! Where did that stupid "not" come from? It should be a link and, based on your screenshot, it seems like it's working great.
Given the Title name
When displayed
Then it should be a link to the instance record (should also be able to right click and open in new tab)
Given the Barcode
When displayed
Then it should be a link to the item record (should also be able to right click and open in new tab)
Given the Source name in the Loan actions table
When displayed
Then it should be a link to the user record (should also be able to right click and open in new tab)
Out of scope: Buttons for Change due date, Claimed returned, Lost and Cancel loans, Desk column in actions table