Make username field not required
Potential Workaround
is cloned by
hideTestRail: Results
Ann-Marie Breaux April 26, 2018 at 6:45 PM
Thanks, !
Khalilah Gambrell April 26, 2018 at 5:36 PM
and - moving the upload scenarios to another user story for validation.
Niels Erik Nielsen April 26, 2018 at 6:29 AMEdited
Right, the Users UI doesn't deal with data upload so those test scenarios are basically out of scope.
Do we have a user data upload project? If we don't, then I'm also not sure where / how we want to test user uploads, only that it cannot be done in the context of this Users UI issue, which might as well be closed with the UI related test cases passing.
Ann-Marie Breaux April 26, 2018 at 4:36 AM
Everything worked properly in manual testing. Moving back to In Progress so that someone can review and decide how to test the batch load scenarios at the top of the list.
Khalilah Gambrell April 23, 2018 at 1:26 AM
- I added a few more use cases. Please let me know if you have any question.
Created February 20, 2018 at 9:23 PM
Updated September 4, 2018 at 3:27 PM
Resolved April 26, 2018 at 12:57 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
As a librarian
I do not want username or password to be a required field in Folio
Because a.) my patrons will never access Folio (only staff), b.) my institution uses another identifier to identify patrons (i.e. barcode) in our system(s).
Acceptance Criteria
Given I access the User App
When I create a New User without a username
AND password is not required
Then I should be able to create the user
AND I should not receive any error message to enter a username or password
Given I access the User App
When I edit a User record that contains no username and no password
Then I should be able to save the record
AND I should not receive an error message to enter a username or password
Given my institution does not upload usernames
When I conduct a search in the Users App
Then I expect no errors in conducting search and results returned should be based on search query appearing in other fields searched
Given I go to my library's folio instance
When I enter a valid local username or valid SSO username
AND valid password
AND have valid permissions
Then I should be allowed access to Folio
Given I go to my library's folio instance
When I enter an invalid local username or invalid SSO username
Then I should not be allowed access to Folio A-M: note that no error message appears if I only enter an invalid user name. Only get the error message once I try to enter a password and press Login button.
Given I go to my library's folio instance
When I enter an invalid local password or invalid SSO password
Then I should not be allowed access to Folio A-M: note that no error message appears if I only enter an invalid user name. Only get the error message once I try to enter a password and press Login button.
Given I go to my library's folio instance
When I enter an null local password
Then I should not be allowed access to Folio
Given I go to my library's folio instance
When I enter an null local username
Then I should not be allowed access to Folio
Requirement validation
this requirement was validated at the March 13 2018 UM SIG meeting and August 27 2017 UM Meeting
Univ of Chicago Feedback
In our existing database, we have people that have no username. I.e. they have a barcode, but, not a username. Would it be possible to make the username field not required? This isn't an issue with our current system (OLE) because there are separate people/patrons and users tables. If a person doesn't have a username, they are in the people table, but, not in the users table.