Error when adding an address with unrecognised country


I ran into this when testing address maintenance in the factored-out-code-code version of ui-users in the UIU-278 branch.

The problem is that if you just put "x" for the country, the code barfs when it goes to look that up in the line:

const countryId = ( ? countriesByName[].alpha2 : '';

But because stripes-form is involved and it does something weird with exceptions, the error ("TypeError: Cannot read property 'alpha2' of undefined") just gets thrown away. (I eventually discovered it by tracing the code down into redux-form.)

There's no point fixing this in the current master, so I'll do it on my UIU-278 branch and it'll get merged to master soon. But more worrying is the underlying exception-swallowing problem, which is what concealed this and made it a difficult rather than a trivial problem. I will file a separate issue on that.

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround



  • 01 Mar 2018, 05:27 AM



TestRail: Results



Mike Taylor April 6, 2018 at 12:21 PM

Yep, this is fixed: it's no longer possible to type in the name of a country, so you can't enter one that isn't recognised.

Cate Boerema April 6, 2018 at 11:36 AM

, you reported this. Can you please either provide repro steps for the testers or get it out of the In Review status (you can close it or mark it In Code Review or whatever is appropriate).

Ann-Marie Breaux April 4, 2018 at 2:48 PM

Should this be statused as In Code Review now?

Ann-Marie Breaux March 23, 2018 at 2:56 PM

Not clear if this is something that the ICs should test, If so, could someone lay out the test scenario a bit more clearly? Seems like it involves the country portion of the address block within users. Thank you!

John Coburn March 19, 2018 at 1:53 PM

The new <Selection> component is in place here - it enforces the system-known entity, behaving more like a native <select> component than a text input with mere suggestions. Marking for review.






Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 30, 2017 at 9:16 PM
Updated April 6, 2018 at 12:21 PM
Resolved April 6, 2018 at 12:21 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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