Create "Patrons Blocked Due to Reminder Fees Report"
Potential Workaround
has to be done after
is blocked by
hideTestRail: Results

Charlotte Whitt October 4, 2023 at 6:32 AM
Possible new work is most likely blocked on MODPATBLK-160, and we need to await this fix to be done by the Vega team. Please notice that MODPATBLK-160 was filed back in May 2023, and is yet not solved.

Charlotte Whitt January 31, 2023 at 3:19 PM
- this work is a lower priority (Hebis is prioritizing the automated workflow). This ticket is a manual process.
will check with Leipzig if this is a requirement for them.
Tester Assignee
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 25, 2022 at 6:32 PM
Updated June 20, 2024 at 12:04 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
PURPOSE: This report is necessary because after the manual patron block is created automatically, there is no way to remove it automatically.
Given Users app open
When new option Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report selected from ACTIONS menu )as shown in attached screen mock-up 1-patrons-blocked-due-to-reminder-fees.jpg)
Display green success toast with this text: Export in progress
Generate new Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report (see Scenario 2 below)
Given request to generate new Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report
When patron blocked AND patron has open/closed loan with reminder fees (please note that patron may appear multiple times on the report, depending on how many loans they have with reminder fees)
Then include the loan in the new Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report (as shown in attached screen mock-up 2-patrons-blocked-due-to-reminder-fees-report.csv), which includes these columns...
Borrower name = name of patron, formatted like this: <lastname>, <firstname>
Borrower barcode = barcode of patron
Borrower ID = to use in linking to patron
Block date = date block was created, formatted like this: 5/16/2022, 11:59 PM
Block template = template used in creating block
Block template ID = to use in linking to template
Reminder fees/fines incurred = Total amount of reminder fees for loan that were billed
Reminder fees/fines outstanding = Total amount of reminder fees for loan that have not been paid
Other fees/fines outstanding = Total amount of other fees/fines for loan
Loan date = same as Overdue Loans Report
Due date = same as Overdue Loans Report
Loan policy = same as Overdue Loans Report
Loan policy ID = same as Overdue Loans Report
Loan ID = same as Overdue Loans Report
Item title = same as Overdue Loans Report
Material type = same as Overdue Loans Report
Item status = same as Overdue Loans Report
Barcode = same as Overdue Loans Report
Call number prefix = same as Overdue Loans Report
Call number = same as Overdue Loans Report
Call number suffix = same as Overdue Loans Report
Volume = same as Overdue Loans Report
Enumeration = same as Overdue Loans Report
Chronology = same as Overdue Loans Report
Copy number = same as Overdue Loans Report
Contributors = same as Overdue Loans Report
Location = same as Overdue Loans Report
Instance ID = same as Overdue Loans Report
Holdings ID = same as Overdue Loans Report
Item ID = same as Overdue Loans Report
Given request to generate new Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report
When all loans with reminder fees have been processed AND none found to be blocking patrons
Then display red error toast with this text: No patrons found
Given generate new Patrons blocked due to reminder fees report
When all loans with reminder fees have been processed AND one or more found to be blocking patrons
Sort the report by patron barcode
Present the report for download by user