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Overview: The new user record form has data for the admin_diku user in the username and password fields.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-testing
Go to User app
Click '+ New'
Expected: Get an empty form for the new User record.
Actual: The two first entry fields are filled in with data for the diku_admin user - the username and the password.
Additional info: See screencast
Manual test in FOLIO test, version @folio/users 2.9.100474, using Chrome.
All looks good. I'll close the issue as done.
Overview: The new user record form has data for the admin_diku user in the username and password fields.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-testing
Go to User app
Click '+ New'
Get an empty form for the new User record.
The two first entry fields are filled in with data for the diku_admin user - the username and the password.
Additional info: See screencast