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Purpose: Add time stamps to the various dates related to Loans and Loan actions
Given the Loan Details page
When displayed
Loan Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Given the Loan Details page, Loan Actions table
Action Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Given the Loans page
Return Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Manually tested in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.9.100451, using Chrome.
Hi @Zak Burke tested the Loans page, and all looks good now, thanks.I'll close the issue as done.
Added timestamp; back to review.
Manually tested in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.9.100449, using Chrome.
Time stamp on the Loan Details Page - all good.See file: UIU-180-Scenario-1-and-2-Loan-Details-page-looks-good.png
Time stamp on the Loans page is missing.See file: UIU-180-Scenario-3-Loans-page.png
I'll re-open this story.
Purpose: Add time stamps to the various dates related to Loans and Loan actions
Given the Loan Details page
When displayed
Loan Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Given the Loan Details page, Loan Actions table
When displayed
Action Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Given the Loans page
When displayed
Loan Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up
Return Date should display the time stamp as shown in the attached mock-up