Implement support for fields without information in Mediated requests UI
Purpose: Ensure that fields in the Mediated requests UI that do not contain information use a dash “-” to indicate there is no data/information to show. Data/information could be missing because of problems with other apps, deleted data, data corruption, or data not required.
Given Mediated request app
When Several filters was selected
Then We see Mediated requests list with information and Item barcode, Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Mediated requests list.png)
Given We create request
When We uncheck “Create title level request”
Then We see Select item modal with information and Barcode, Loan type should contain information or dash “-” (Select item.png)
Given We open Mediated requests
When We select Confirm item arrival and Scan item
Then We see list with information and Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Confirm item arrival.png)
Given We open Mediated requests
When We select Send item in transit and Scan item
Then We see list with information and Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Send item in transit.png)
Out of scope:
Title look-up - plugin-find-instance
Requester look-up - plugin-find-user
Notes: PO verified with Kimie Kester that the “-” is the preferable pattern to follow on 1/31/25.
Purpose: Ensure that fields in the Mediated requests UI that do not contain information use a dash “-” to indicate there is no data/information to show. Data/information could be missing because of problems with other apps, deleted data, data corruption, or data not required.
Given Mediated request app
When Several filters was selected
Then We see Mediated requests list with information and Item barcode, Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Mediated requests list.png)
Given We create request
When We uncheck “Create title level request”
Then We see Select item modal with information and Barcode, Loan type should contain information or dash “-” (Select item.png)
Given We open Mediated requests
When We select Confirm item arrival and Scan item
Then We see list with information and Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Confirm item arrival.png)
Given We open Mediated requests
When We select Send item in transit and Scan item
Then We see list with information and Effective call number string should contain information or dash “-” (Send item in transit.png)
Out of scope:
Title look-up - plugin-find-instance
Requester look-up - plugin-find-user
Notes: PO verified with Kimie Kester that the “-” is the preferable pattern to follow on 1/31/25.