Purpose: to make the column order of the csv export match the order specified in UIREQ-114
User story: As a user who is using the requests csv export as a hold expiration shelf or paging list report I want the columns of the export to be sensible So I can make sense of the report without re-ordering the columns beforehand
, can you please verify the column order from makes sense and, if not, please add the sensible column order to this user story? I am marking this draft and assigning to you for now. Please make Open and Unassigned once all looks good to you.
Purpose: to make the column order of the csv export match the order specified in UIREQ-114
User story:
As a user who is using the requests csv export as a hold expiration shelf or paging list report
I want the columns of the export to be sensible
So I can make sense of the report without re-ordering the columns beforehand
Given the Requests csv export
When opened in Excel
Then the columns should be in this order:
Request type
Request status
Hold shelf expiration date
Request expiration date
Request Fulfillment preference
Pickup service point
Delivery address
Item barcode
Item status
Shelving location (Effective Location)
Call number
Copy number
Current due date
(Number of) Requests
Requester Name
Requester Barcode
Requester Patron group
Requester's proxy name
Requester's proxy barcode
Position in queue