Purpose: IIt's currently not possible to set the column order for the CSV export. The purpose of this story is to make it possible to set the order. Other stories (e.g. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIREQ-148#icft=UIREQ-148) will cover implementing the actual sort order for an app.
User story: As a user who is using the requests csv export or any other FOLIO csv export (e.g. Loans, other?) I want the columns of the export to be sensible So I can make sense of the report without re-ordering the columns beforehand
Purpose: IIt's currently not possible to set the column order for the CSV export. The purpose of this story is to make it possible to set the order. Other stories (e.g. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIREQ-148#icft=UIREQ-148) will cover implementing the actual sort order for an app.
User story:
As a user who is using the requests csv export or any other FOLIO csv export (e.g. Loans, other?)
I want the columns of the export to be sensible
So I can make sense of the report without re-ordering the columns beforehand