This is blocked by a couple of things (which is why we took it out of the original story). Blockers:
MODINVSTOR-205 - "Copy number" is still called "Piece identifier" on the backend which is confusing, especially since the csv export column headers are the database names. We want to change the backend name to copyNumber so it matches the UI.
- Turns out Pickup location on Requests didn't have any backend. We need to do the work to give it one before we can put the data into the csv export.
Purpose: To add missing column to the requests CSV. Spin off from UIREQ-114 so we are creating carry-over story.
Given the Requests screen (the list that results from a search within the Requests app)
When a user clicks export on the Requests (search results) screen
Then the following fields are exported as CSV for each request (new fields to be added as part of this story are indicated in blue with asterisk):
Request type
Request status
Request expiration date
Hold shelf expiration date
Position in queue
Item barcode
Contributor (formerly author)
Shelving location (Effective Location)
Call number
Copy number (currently known as "Piece identifier" on the backend)*
Item status
Current due date
Requester Name
Requester Barcode
Requester Patron group
Request Fulfillment preference
Pickup service point
Delivery address
Requester's proxy name
Requester's proxy barcode