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Purpose: To create a mechanism that staff can use to manually anonymize a single request.
Scenario 1:
Given a user is logged in to the requests app without a role containing the “UI-Requests Request-Anonymize” execute capability set
And a request is open in the third pane
When the user selects the Actions button in the third pane
Then the “Anonymize” button is not displayed
Scenario 2:
Given a user is logged in to the requests app with a request open in the view pane
and the request is in a closed status ("Closed - Cancelled", "Closed - Filled", "Closed - Pickup expired", and "Closed - Unfilled")
Then the "Anonymize" button is active
Scenario 3:
and the request is in an open status ("Open - Awaiting delivery", "Open - Awaiting pickup", "Open - In transit", "Open - Not yet filled")
Then the "Anonymize" button is inactive
Scenario 4:
Given a user is logged into the requests app on the view page for a closed request.
When the user selects Actions > Anonymize
Then the request is anonymized as described in
If the anonymization is successful the page is reloaded and a green toast displays the message "Request anonymized successfully"
If the anonymization fails the page is not reloaded and a red toast displays the message "Request could not be anonymized"
To create a mechanism that staff can use to manually anonymize a single request.
Scenario 1:
Given a user is logged in to the requests app without a role containing the “UI-Requests Request-Anonymize” execute capability set
And a request is open in the third pane
When the user selects the Actions button in the third pane
Then the “Anonymize” button is not displayed
Scenario 2:
Given a user is logged in to the requests app with a request open in the view pane
and the request is in a closed status ("Closed - Cancelled", "Closed - Filled", "Closed - Pickup expired", and "Closed - Unfilled")
When the user selects the Actions button in the third pane
Then the "Anonymize" button is active
Scenario 3:
Given a user is logged in to the requests app with a request open in the view pane
and the request is in an open status ("Open - Awaiting delivery", "Open - Awaiting pickup", "Open - In transit", "Open - Not yet filled")
When the user selects the Actions button in the third pane
Then the "Anonymize" button is inactive
Scenario 4:
Given a user is logged into the requests app on the view page for a closed request.
When the user selects Actions > Anonymize
Then the request is anonymized as described in
If the anonymization is successful the page is reloaded and a green toast displays the message "Request anonymized successfully"
If the anonymization fails the page is not reloaded and a red toast displays the message "Request could not be anonymized"