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Purpose: To create a mechanism that staff can use to anonymize all closed requests matching the current search results.
Scenario 1:
Given a user is logged in to the Requests app without a role containing the “UI-Requests Request-Anonymize” execute capability set
When the user selects the Actions dropdown in the results pane
Then the option to “Anonymize matched records” is not displayed
Scenario 2:
Given a user is logged in to the Requests app
And no current search filters are active or the entered search has no results
when the user selects the Actions dropdown in the results pane
Then the option to "Anonymize matched records" is disabled
Scenario 3:
and a search has been made returning one or more results
Then the option to "Anonymize matched records" is enabled
Scenario 4:
Given a user is logged into the Requests app
When the user selects Actions > Anonymize matched records
The a confirmation modal appears [MODAL DESCRIPTION]
Scenario 5:
Given a user has selected "Anonymize matched records" in the Requests search results pane and the confirmation modal has appeared
When the user selects Cancel
The modal closes and no records are changed
Scenario 6:
When the user selects Confirm
Then the records returned by the existing search are anonymized as described in
Scenario 7: (Results pop-up)
To create a mechanism that staff can use to anonymize all closed requests matching the current search results.
Scenario 1:
Given a user is logged in to the Requests app without a role containing the “UI-Requests Request-Anonymize” execute capability set
When the user selects the Actions dropdown in the results pane
Then the option to “Anonymize matched records” is not displayed
Scenario 2:
Given a user is logged in to the Requests app
And no current search filters are active or the entered search has no results
when the user selects the Actions dropdown in the results pane
Then the option to "Anonymize matched records" is disabled
Scenario 3:
Given a user is logged in to the Requests app
and a search has been made returning one or more results
When the user selects the Actions dropdown in the results pane
Then the option to "Anonymize matched records" is enabled
Scenario 4:
Given a user is logged into the Requests app
and a search has been made returning one or more results
When the user selects Actions > Anonymize matched records
The a confirmation modal appears [MODAL DESCRIPTION]
Scenario 5:
Given a user has selected "Anonymize matched records" in the Requests search results pane and the confirmation modal has appeared
When the user selects Cancel
The modal closes and no records are changed
Scenario 6:
Given a user has selected "Anonymize matched records" in the Requests search results pane and the confirmation modal has appeared
When the user selects Confirm
Then the records returned by the existing search are anonymized as described in
Scenario 7: (Results pop-up)