Joseph Reimers
Joseph ReimersReporter
Joseph Reimers
Joseph ReimersPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 16, 2024 at 5:07 PM
Updated August 1, 2024 at 2:05 PM
Resolved August 1, 2024 at 2:05 PM
Purpose: Libraries need a mechanism for binding multiple pieces associated with the same title into one single item.
User story statement(s):
As a staff user responsible for binding materials,
I want a mechanism for selecting materials to be bound together
so that the bound item is properly represented in the system
Transfer alert - Transfer button
Given Scenario 3
When user clicks “Transfer”
Then the Alert disappears
AND the Bind items screen disappears
AND the Receiving title details pane appears
AND the newly created item is visible in the "Bound items" accordion
AND the newly created item has an item status of "In process”
AND ALL requests associated with all items are transferred to the new item in chronological request order
AND ALL items associated with receiving pieces receive item statuses of “Unavailable”
AND a green toast message appears: "Item (barcode) created successfully"
Transfer alert - Do not transfer button
Given Scenario 3
When user clicks “Do not transfer”
Then the Bind items screen disappears
AND the Receiving title details pane appears
AND the newly created item is visible in the "Bound items" accordion
AND the newly created item has an item status of "In process”
AND ALL items associated with receiving pieces receive item statuses of “Unavailable”
AND a green toast message appears: "Item (barcode) created successfully"'
Transfer alert - Cancel
Given Scenario 3
When user clicks “Cancel”
Then the alert disappears
AND the user remains on the Bind items screen
Transfer behavior - multiple requests by one user
Given one user has requests on multiple items being bound into one item
When staff user clicks “Transfer”
Then ONLY the oldest request by that user is transferred
AND all other requests for that user are cancelled