Denys Bohdan
Denys BohdanReporter
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Development Team
Fix versions
Morning Glory (R2 2022) Bug Fix
RCA Group
Implementation coding issue
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 27, 2022 at 9:24 AM
Updated November 15, 2022 at 2:33 PM
Resolved August 3, 2022 at 2:58 PM
Overview: The row with "Heading/reference" value (which matches to updated MARC tag 1XX, 4XX or 5XX value) has lost highlighting at sorted result list after user edited matched tags value more than one time
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into MG Bugfest FOLIO environment as User with the following permissions:
MARC Authority: Edit MARC authority record
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
quickMARC: View, edit MARC authorities record
Navigate to "MARC Authority"
Run search to retrieve one or more than one record at the result list. (e.g.: "Gregory")
Sort result list (e.g. by "Authorized/Reference" column by clicking on it title)
Open "Authorized" \ "Reference" \ "Auth\Ref" record by clicking on it title.
Click on the "Actions" >> "Edit"
Edit 1XX \ 4XX \ 5XX MARC field accordingly.
Click on the "Save & close" button.
Expected result \ Actual result: The row with updated "Heading\reference" value highlighted dark gray.
Repeat steps 5-7.
Expected Results: The row with updated "Heading\reference" value has lost highlighting dark gray.
Actual Results: The row with updated "Heading\reference" value has lost highlighting dark gray.
Additional Information: See attached screencast.
This issue is reproduced only when the user updates the same MARC field more than one time and the updated field matching with "Heading\Reference" value. The result list must be sorted.
Dev note: bug is caused by
not reading initial values from url, so search request has incorrect sort when comparing old and new search resultsInterested parties: