Development Team
Morning Glory (R2 2022)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 26, 2022 at 11:28 AM
Updated May 12, 2022 at 1:04 PM
Resolved May 12, 2022 at 1:04 PM
Overview: user with special permissions has ability to update existing marc authority. But when he try to do this without some required permissions, ability to update marc authority become broken. Can be related with creation of required profiles without required permissions.
see testcase "C350667 Update a MARC authority record via data import. Record match with 010 $a" in branch
Initial step - login as diku_admin
Steps to Reproduce:
Сheck that there is no marc authorities with id "n 42008104". You can try to use folio snapshot after fresh update or update marc file(change value to unique in tag 010). Expectation in attached initial state without test marc authority
Start import of marc authority through default job profile "Default - Create SRS MARC Authority", use attached marc file. Import should be success. 1 marc authority should be added. See attached images with prefix "initial-import-"
Go to Data Import settings
Create new field mapping profile through POST request, see attached image field mapping profile
Create new action profile through POST request, see attached image action-profile
Create new match profile through POST request, see attached images with prefix "match-profile"
Create new job profile through POST request, see attached image job-profile
Go to created initial marc authority and update 130 tag, see attached images with prefix "updated-initial-authority"
Go to data import and run it with job profile "Update MARC authority records - 010 $a" from step 7 to attached marc authority file(the same file as in step 2). See attached image second-import-with-update. Import should be finished without error
Go to marc authority, apply filter by id from step 1. Marc authority was reverted to initial state, see attached image updated-marc-authority
Remove created profiles
Login as user with permissions 'Data import: all permissions', 'Edit MARC authority record', 'View MARC authority record', 'quickMARC: View, edit MARC authorities record', 'Data Import File Upload - all permissions'
Repeat steps 1-9 by new user.
Expected Results:
update of created marc authority should be finished correctly
Actual Results:
folio returns error "Failed updating Authority. Cause: Not found, status: '404'". There is suggestion, that It's related with lost value of subfield i in tag 999. See attached image. When I change user to diku_admin and repeat steps 1-9 folio updates marc authority correctly.
If issue related with absence of required permission I suggest to provide details about this to related responses