With those related issues all filed, this on can remain closed.
Mike Taylor June 9, 2017 at 11:18 AM
Added two more related issues: first I will do UIU-68 ("Accept either total_records or totalRecords field") in the UI module; then Kurt will do MODUSERS-19 ("Return totalRecords field instead of total_records") in the back-end. (Finally, once that is in place, I will probably simplify ui-users to support only the correct version of the field.)
Mike Taylor June 9, 2017 at 11:01 AM
Thanks for clarification of total_records vs.totalRecords. I'd assumed that the JSON record that contains this element (and much else) was from RMB, but I guess the individual modules have more work to do, to put their responses together. I'll file another separate issue, along the lines you describe, to handle the change.
Mike Taylor June 9, 2017 at 11:00 AM
The new issue is UIU-67 "Record-count can sometimes be incorrect".
Mike Taylor June 9, 2017 at 10:42 AM
That is strange: I will write it up as its own separate issue, since it's a specific bug rather than a failing of the present issue.
As in UIU-3.