View Holdings Page Link Should Have the "Open in new tab" feature
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
CSP Approved
Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking across tabs), to bookmark commonly used pages, and share links.
Hi @Charlotte Whitt, I am removing you from the tester assignee field on these because they need to get tested asap, as they are going out in the Q2 release and you are on vacation. You can still do PO acceptance when you get back.
Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking across tabs), to bookmark commonly used pages, and share links.
Log in to FOLIO Snapshot, and open the Inventory app
Go to any given Instance record with Holdings data
When right-click on the Holdings data detailed page (accessed by clicking the button 'View holdings' on the Instance Details Page)
Then the Holdings data detail page open in a new tab