Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking across tabs), to bookmark commonly used pages, and share links.
Hi @Niels Erik Nielsen - it didn't work when I created the jira but now it does. I just tested in http://folio-snapshot.aws.indexdata.com/, version @folio/inventory 1.0.2000136, using Chrome. I'll close the ticket.
Niels Erik Nielsen April 4, 2018 at 9:42 PM
@Charlotte Whitt It seems that you can already right-click the pen on the item detail view to open the edit page in a new tab.
Though, since the edit page is a layer on top of the details view, which is on top of the main app window, it takes a few moments to draw all the layers.
Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking across tabs), to bookmark commonly used pages, and share links.
Log in to FOLIO Snapshot http://folio-snapshot.aws.indexdata.com/, and open the Inventory app
Go to any given Instance record with Holdings and Item data
When the Item detailed page (accessed by clicking Item on the Instance Details Page) is displayed
Click on the pen in right top navigation bar, and get to the Edit Item page is displayed
Then the page URL should be unique to the Edit Item Page
Given the Item record in detailed view
Then I can right click to open that page in a new tab