Ihor KobaIhor KobaReporter
Ann-Marie BreauxAnn-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Priority
P2Story Points
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TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Ihor Koba
Ihor KobaReporter
Ann-Marie Breaux
Ann-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Priority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 13, 2020 at 7:06 AM
Updated October 29, 2020 at 5:53 AM
Resolved August 10, 2020 at 5:21 PM
Purpose: update the MARC matching to differentiate wildcard (any) versus [blank] indicators
As a staff person working with Data Import matching profiles
I want to be able to specify any or [blank] indicators for MARC matches
So that I can make my matches work properly
Scenario 1
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
When creating or editing a match profile with Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
And Field = 010-999
Then allow a single [asterisk], [space], or [blank] to be valid for Indicator 1 and Indicator 2 fields (in addition to a single alpha or numeric) [this makes Indicator 1 and 2 optional for fields 010-999]
NOTE: Field and Subfield should remain required fields
Scenario 2
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
When creating or editing a match profile with Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
And Field = LDR, 001-009
Then disallow any data in Indicator 1, Indicator 2, or Subfield
Scenario 3
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
When viewing a match profile with Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
Then display the Indicator 1 and Indicator 2 data as follows
[space], [blank], or unmapped: - (hyphen)
[asterisk]: * (asterisk)
[single alpha or numeric]: [single alpha or numeric]
Scenario 4
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
When creating, editing, or viewing a match profile with Existing record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority (the bottom section of the match profile)
Then follow the same UI instructions as for Incoming records (Scenarios 1-3)
Scenario 5
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
And the Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
When indicator 1 and/or Indicator 2 = [space] or [blank]
Then the match profile should only match from the specified incoming MARC field if the Indicator 1 and/or 2 is [blank]
Scenario 6
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
And the Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
When indicator 1 and/or Indicator 2 = [asterisk]
Then the match profile should match from the specified incoming MARC field regardless of the indicator 1 or 2 (whichever has an asteriskl)
Scenario 7
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles (already developed)
And the Incoming record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority
When indicator 1 or Indicator 2 = [single alpha or numeric]
Then the match profile should only match from the specified incoming MARC field if the Indicator 1 and/or 2 matches the specified [alpha or numeric]
Scenario 8
Given Settings/Data import/Matching profiles
When creating, editing, or viewing a match profile with Existing record = MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority (the bottom section of the match profile)
Then follow the same match logic instructions as for Incoming records (Scenarios 5-7)
Scenario 9
Ensure this story passes Accessibility testing
Scenario 10
Ensure automated testing coverage for this new code is 80% plus and confirm with screenshot
020 Ind 1 = [blank], Ind 2 = [blank], Subfield = a: only match from the 020 $a if both indicators are blank
020 Ind 1 = [space], Ind 2 = 2, Subfield = a: only match from the 020 $a if indicator 1 is blank and indicator 2 is 2
020 Ind 1 = [asterisk], Ind 2 = [blank], Subfield = a: only match from the 020 $a if Indicator 2 is blank, but Indicator 1 can be anything
020 Ind 1 = [asterisk], Ind 2 = [asterisk], Subfield = a: match from the 020 $a no matter what its indicators are
020 Ind 1 = 4, Ind 2 = [space], Subfield = a: only match from the 020 $a if indicator 1 is 4 and indicator 2 is [blank]indicators are blank
* This story is for Incoming record = MARC; do we need another UI story for Existing record = MARC, or just another scenario in this story?
covers the backend work needed to support this (Scenarios 5-8)