Purpose: To add the record metadata component to fixed due date schedules. We are trying to have this metadata on all records in FOLIO by default. In fact, I believe shale99 already added the data to the object so it should be available to display even though it is not currently displaying.
Given the view and edit modes of the Fixed due date schedule page
When displayed
Then the standard record metadata component should display as shown in the mockups
OK, I will pull down the most recent code updates. Thanks Mark
Cate Boerema March 1, 2018 at 1:57 PM
Hi Mark. If you actually go into Users and open up the record metadata, you'll see we do have the source information displaying there. It should look the same for fixed due date schedules.
mark.stacy March 1, 2018 at 1:42 PM
Question regarding how to implement the source fields. Need to add mockup. Thanks
Purpose: To add the record metadata component to fixed due date schedules. We are trying to have this metadata on all records in FOLIO by default. In fact, I believe shale99 already added the data to the object so it should be available to display even though it is not currently displaying.
Given the view and edit modes of the Fixed due date schedule page
When displayed
Then the standard record metadata component should display as shown in the mockups
Data included:
Record created
Record last updated
Mockups: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B18Bhhmr94zaMHpzb2MtWUJuMms