Purpose: To create a logical permission set for Notice Template CRUD (UICIRC-87, UICIRC-85, UICIRC-86)
User story: As a FOLIO administrator I want to be able to give FOLIO operators permission to create, read, update and delete patron notice templates
Given the Notices module
When enabled
Then a logical permission set should be provided called "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates"
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates" and no other permissions
When User A accesses FOLIO
The Settings app should be visible in the top nav
Circulation should be the only visible category under App Setting in Settings
Patron notice templates should be the only visible category under Circulation
Patron notice template CRUD should be fully accessible to User A
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates" as part of a custom permission set
When User A accesses FOLIO
Then they should have all rights normally conferred by this permission (see scenario 2) plus whatever additional rights conferred by their custom permission set.
Purpose: To create a logical permission set for Notice Template CRUD (UICIRC-87, UICIRC-85, UICIRC-86)
User story:
As a FOLIO administrator
I want to be able to give FOLIO operators permission to create, read, update and delete patron notice templates
Given the Notices module
When enabled
Then a logical permission set should be provided called "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates"
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates" and no other permissions
When User A accesses FOLIO
The Settings app should be visible in the top nav
Circulation should be the only visible category under App Setting in Settings
Patron notice templates should be the only visible category under Circulation
Patron notice template CRUD should be fully accessible to User A
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates" as part of a custom permission set
When User A accesses FOLIO
Then they should have all rights normally conferred by this permission (see scenario 2) plus whatever additional rights conferred by their custom permission set.