Purpose: To bring the loan policy create/edit UX in line with the the UX for creating and editing other things in FOLIO (e.g. requests, items, users). UX has decided all forms should require explicit save in FOLIO.
Given the plus icon on Settings > Circulation > Loan Policies
When clicked
Then the new loan policy form should display in an overlay similar to the one used for Create new user and create new item
Given a loan policy
When selected
It should display read-only in the preview pane (NOTE: We plan to implement inline editing, but that will come later as part of a separate story)
User should be able to click to edit the loan policy (use same edit control as is used in Users)
Given a loan policy
When edited
Then the edit loan policy form should display in an overlay similar to the one used for edit new user and create new item
Given a loan policy with unsaved changes
When user attempts to navigate away to another part of FOLIO (within the same browser tab)
Purpose: To bring the loan policy create/edit UX in line with the the UX for creating and editing other things in FOLIO (e.g. requests, items, users). UX has decided all forms should require explicit save in FOLIO.
Given the plus icon on Settings > Circulation > Loan Policies
When clicked
Then the new loan policy form should display in an overlay similar to the one used for Create new user and create new item
Given a loan policy
When selected
It should display read-only in the preview pane (NOTE: We plan to implement inline editing, but that will come later as part of a separate story)
User should be able to click to edit the loan policy (use same edit control as is used in Users)
Given a loan policy
When edited
Then the edit loan policy form should display in an overlay similar to the one used for edit new user and create new item
Given a loan policy with unsaved changes
When user attempts to navigate away to another part of FOLIO (within the same browser tab)
Then the unsaved changes modal should display