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Purpose: To refine the scanned items section of the Checkout page so it displays the correct data in a readable format.
Given the Checkout page
When an valid item is scanned
Then the following data should display in the scanned items pane as shown in the below linked mockup
No. - Number of the item scanned. First item scanned is 1, second item is 2 and so on.
Barcode - Barcode for scanned item. Should be link to item record.
Instance - Instance for scanned item. Should be link to instance record.CB: Created UICHKOUT-35 for this requirement
Due Date - Due date for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25
Time - Due time for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25
-Loan policy - Loan policy associated with the loan.- CB: Created UICHKOUT-37 for this requirement
Out of scope for this story (will add in later stories):
Call number (displaying under Instance in the Instance column)
Location code (displaying under Call number in the Instance column)
Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page
When displayed
Then, by default, list should be sorted by No. column (descending)
Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page
When a column header is clicked
Then it should sort and reverse sort according to the standard FOLIO sort pattern
First click to sort ascending
Second click to reverse sort
Previous sort column is secondary sort
ScenarioCB: Added UICHKOUT-36 for this requirement
Given an item displaying in the scanned items pane on the Checkout page
When the actions button is clicked
Then "Loan details" should display (should open Loan details page)
Out of scope for this story: Change due date option
Given the Checkout page
When N items have been scanned
Then the page should display "Total items scanned: <N>" twice as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the Checkout page
When 1 or more item has been scanned
Then two "End session" buttons should display a shown in the below linked mockup. These replace the big "Done" button (should clear the scanned patron and items)
Given the Patron pane on the Checkout page
When the header is displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Scan patron card" as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the Scanned Items pane on the Checkout page
When the header is displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Scan items" as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When the ghost text is displayed
Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter patron barcode"
Given the data entry box in the Items pane of the Checkout page
When the ghost text is displayed
Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter item barcode"
Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then button should be relabeled "Enter"
Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Item pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then button should be relabeled "Enter"
Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then the magnifying glass should be removed and a new "Patron lookup" link should be added for launching the User search and select popup
Also out of scope for this story: "Item lookup" link
No more vertical scrollbar! I still see the horizontal one, though.
Michal Kuklis November 28, 2017 at 12:17 PM
@Cate Boerema I made one more change. When you have a chance would you mind checking it again if you see the scrollbars? Thank you!
Michal Kuklis November 28, 2017 at 10:53 AM
@Cate Boerema I'm not sure if I will be able to do much more here but will double check with @John Coburn as I'm using a built-in component for this (MultiColumnList) and perhaps I'm configuring it in a wrong way.
Cate Boerema November 28, 2017 at 10:43 AM
@Michal Kuklis all scenarios pass now! I am still seeing the horizontal scrollbar, though (it's smaller than it was, though). There is also a vertical one that displays when it's not necessary. Do you think you could make a couple more tweaks to get rid of these? I think it would make a huge difference in the look and feel of the page.
Purpose: To refine the scanned items section of the Checkout page so it displays the correct data in a readable format.
Given the Checkout page
When an valid item is scanned
Then the following data should display in the scanned items pane as shown in the below linked mockup
No. - Number of the item scanned. First item scanned is 1, second item is 2 and so on.
Barcode - Barcode for scanned item. Should be link to item record.
Instance - Instance for scanned item. Should be link to instance record. CB: Created UICHKOUT-35 for this requirement
Due Date - Due date for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25
Time - Due time for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25
-Loan policy - Loan policy associated with the loan.- CB: Created UICHKOUT-37 for this requirement
Out of scope for this story (will add in later stories):
Call number (displaying under Instance in the Instance column)
Location code (displaying under Call number in the Instance column)
Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page
When displayed
Then, by default, list should be sorted by No. column (descending)
Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page
When a column header is clicked
Then it should sort and reverse sort according to the standard FOLIO sort pattern
First click to sort ascending
Second click to reverse sort
Previous sort column is secondary sort
Scenario CB: Added UICHKOUT-36 for this requirement
Given an item displaying in the scanned items pane on the Checkout page
When the actions button is clicked
Then "Loan details" should display (should open Loan details page)
Out of scope for this story: Change due date option
Given the Checkout page
When N items have been scanned
Then the page should display "Total items scanned: <N>" twice as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the Checkout page
When 1 or more item has been scanned
Then two "End session" buttons should display a shown in the below linked mockup. These replace the big "Done" button (should clear the scanned patron and items)
Given the Patron pane on the Checkout page
When the header is displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Scan patron card" as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the Scanned Items pane on the Checkout page
When the header is displayed
Then it should be relabeled "Scan items" as shown in the below linked mockup
Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When the ghost text is displayed
Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter patron barcode"
Given the data entry box in the Items pane of the Checkout page
When the ghost text is displayed
Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter item barcode"
Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then button should be relabeled "Enter"
Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Item pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then button should be relabeled "Enter"
Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page
When displayed
Then the magnifying glass should be removed and a new "Patron lookup" link should be added for launching the User search and select popup
Also out of scope for this story: "Item lookup" link