Checkout Page Refinement


Purpose: To refine the scanned items section of the Checkout page so it displays the correct data in a readable format.


  1. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the Checkout page

    • When an valid item is scanned

    • Then the following data should display in the scanned items pane as shown in the below linked mockup

      • No. - Number of the item scanned. First item scanned is 1, second item is 2 and so on.

      • Barcode - Barcode for scanned item. Should be link to item record.

      • Instance - Instance for scanned item. Should be link to instance record. CB: Created UICHKOUT-35 for this requirement

      • Due Date - Due date for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25

      • Time - Due time for scanned item. Currently hardcoded but we'll be changing to a policy-driven due date as part of UICHKOUT-25

      • -Loan policy - Loan policy associated with the loan.- CB: Created UICHKOUT-37 for this requirement

    • Out of scope for this story (will add in later stories):

      • Call number (displaying under Instance in the Instance column)

      • Location code (displaying under Call number in the Instance column)

  2. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page

    • When displayed

    • Then, by default, list should be sorted by No. column (descending)

  3. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given there are > 1 items displaying in the scanned items section of the checkout page

    • When a column header is clicked

    • Then it should sort and reverse sort according to the standard FOLIO sort pattern

      • First click to sort ascending

      • Second click to reverse sort

      • Previous sort column is secondary sort

  4. Scenario CB: Added UICHKOUT-36 for this requirement

    • Given an item displaying in the scanned items pane on the Checkout page

    • When the actions button is clicked

    • Then "Loan details" should display (should open Loan details page)

    • Out of scope for this story: Change due date option

  5. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the Checkout page

    • When N items have been scanned

    • Then the page should display "Total items scanned: <N>" twice as shown in the below linked mockup

  6. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the Checkout page

    • When 1 or more item has been scanned

    • Then two "End session" buttons should display a shown in the below linked mockup. These replace the big "Done" button (should clear the scanned patron and items)

  7. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the Patron pane on the Checkout page

    • When the header is displayed

    • Then it should be relabeled "Scan patron card" as shown in the below linked mockup

  8. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the Scanned Items pane on the Checkout page

    • When the header is displayed

    • Then it should be relabeled "Scan items" as shown in the below linked mockup

  9. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page

    • When the ghost text is displayed

    • Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter patron barcode"

  10. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the data entry box in the Items pane of the Checkout page

    • When the ghost text is displayed

    • Then it should be changed to "Scan or enter item barcode"

  11. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page

    • When displayed

    • Then button should be relabeled "Enter"

  12. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the button to the right of the data entry box in the Item pane of the Checkout page

    • When displayed

    • Then button should be relabeled "Enter"

  13. Scenario Check Mark

    • Given the data entry box in the Patron pane of the Checkout page

    • When displayed

    • Then the magnifying glass should be removed and a new "Patron lookup" link should be added for launching the User search and select popup

Also out of scope for this story: "Item lookup" link




Potential Workaround



  • 28 Nov 2017, 01:19 PM
  • 28 Nov 2017, 10:43 AM
  • 27 Nov 2017, 01:54 PM



TestRail: Results



Cate Boerema December 12, 2017 at 10:04 AM

I added for the horizontal scroll issue so I can close this one.

Cate Boerema November 28, 2017 at 1:19 PM

No more vertical scrollbar! I still see the horizontal one, though.

Michal Kuklis November 28, 2017 at 12:17 PM

I made one more change. When you have a chance would you mind checking it again if you see the scrollbars? Thank you!

Michal Kuklis November 28, 2017 at 10:53 AM

I'm not sure if I will be able to do much more here but will double check with as I'm using a built-in component for this (MultiColumnList) and perhaps I'm configuring it in a wrong way.

Cate Boerema November 28, 2017 at 10:43 AM

all scenarios pass now! I am still seeing the horizontal scrollbar, though (it's smaller than it was, though). There is also a vertical one that displays when it's not necessary. Do you think you could make a couple more tweaks to get rid of these? I think it would make a huge difference in the look and feel of the page.






Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 2, 2017 at 7:25 PM
Updated September 11, 2018 at 8:42 AM
Resolved December 12, 2017 at 10:05 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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