Move <AuthorityList> into stripes-smart-components
At present, we use stripes-components/lib/AuthorityList/AuthorityList.js in several places. But that is a "smart component" (i.e. one that does its own communication with Okapi, rather than being purely presentational) so it should be moved to the new stripes-smart-components repository, and the modules that use it adjusted accordingly.
Apparently, what this manages is more like a controlled vocabulary than an authority list, so this is a good moment to also rename it when we move it.
Stage 1 will be copying the code the across to its new home, and adding JS console logging to the old version warning about forthcoming deprecation. Stage 2 will be changing the various modules to use it from there. Stage 3 will be removing the old version.
We've had three releases since everything moved off the old <AuthorityList>, and all dependencies have long since been upgraded. So it's now safe to remove the old code (and in fact has been for some time).
Mike Taylor October 11, 2017 at 11:49 AM
I have stumbled through the PR-encumbered release process, fouling up some other stuff along the way – see if you want the hideous details.
Mike Taylor October 11, 2017 at 9:28 AM
We'll need a release of stripes-smart-components before we can deprecate use of the old <AuthorityList>, though. Heaven only knows what the release procedure is these days.
At present, we use
in several places. But that is a "smart component" (i.e. one that does its own communication with Okapi, rather than being purely presentational) so it should be moved to the newstripes-smart-components
repository, and the modules that use it adjusted accordingly.Apparently, what this manages is more like a controlled vocabulary than an authority list, so this is a good moment to also rename it when we move it.
Stage 1 will be copying the code the across to its new home, and adding JS console logging to the old version warning about forthcoming deprecation.
Stage 2 will be changing the various modules to use it from there.
Stage 3 will be removing the old version.