Encouraging! I'm still trying to catch up with everything that happened while I was away, and it's good to know some form of SSO is running now.
Katalin Lovagné Szűcs August 7, 2017 at 11:57 AM
you are right, I moved the issue. The solution actually works now with the URL parameter approach.
Mike Taylor August 7, 2017 at 11:48 AM
Quick side-question: why is this a UIU (= ui-users) issue? Seems to me that it belongs in STCOR (stripes-core).
Katalin Lovagné Szűcs August 2, 2017 at 8:37 AM
I reached a point in the development where I could test the SSO landing page. I ran into some issues:
I redirect the user to FOLIO from Okapi, so any headers I set are lost in the process (at least for now).
This means I do not have an x-okapi-token header which is checked to decide if login page should be shown - so I am always dropped back to the login page.
Even if I get to the landing page somehow, I am not logged in because that logic is handled on the login page.
I am still experimenting with setting a cookie but with not much luck so far. I can set a cookie to Okapi's domain but I am running the backend in a Vagrant box, and the frontend on localhost with yarn (because of my modifications for SSO login). The cookie just won't be stored for localhost. The URL param approach works fine.
Placeholder for work needed for this. Istvan added some related comments in FOLIO-663.
Let's flesh this story out as we decide what needs to be done.