Purpose: To create the component for the Notes feature. See prototype, and Filip for details.
Given a record in FOLIO (e.g. user, item etc)
When displayed
Then a Notes icon should display (see http://ux.folio.org/ bib records app (icon with triangles) for icon example)
Given the Notes icon
When clicked
Then the Notes panel should display as shown in the prototype (see http://ux.folio.org/ contacts app (icon with rolodex card) for panel example)
Given the Notes panel
When open
A text area should display with the ghost text, "Write a note..."
A "Post" button should accompany the text area (in https://share.proto.io/D7XIAW/, go to a user record and click notes icon to see how the text area and post button should look)
Given the text area contains text
When the Post button or enter key is clicked
Then the note should be logged along with the name of the user who created the note and the date/time stamp when the note was created
Given the text area does not contain text
When the Post button or enter key is clicked
Then no note should be logged
Given the Notes panel is open
When displayed
Then some mechanism for closing the panel should display (I assume it's an X in the upper left, but you may know better. If not, John C, please check with Filip as it's not displayed in the prototype)
Given the close X (or whatever mechanism there is to close the Notes panel)
When clicked
Then the Notes panel should close
Implementation note: Per Filip, the kind of panel used for Notes will also be used for other system functions so it should be reusable.
Out of scope for this story:
Editing notes posted (unless it's simple to add that capability into the component, in which case go for it!)
Yes, I am aware the internal ID is shown in place of the user's name. I plan to fix this as part of the move to a separate repository, hopefully later today after the demo.
Cate Boerema September 4, 2017 at 9:51 AM
Looks like we forgot to mark this In Review and test. I see at least one issue (user's internal ID is displaying instead of user name) but there may be others. Let's get this tested and file separate issues for any failing scenarios. Thanks!
Mike Taylor August 31, 2017 at 11:53 AM
Zak Burke August 31, 2017 at 11:50 AM
Correct. Even though Notes not a full-blown app like ui-items or ui-users, it's also not a dumb container like the other elements in stripes-components. and are on-board with this approach.
Jakub Skoczen August 31, 2017 at 11:45 AM
okay, sounds good. As far as I understood though, it's not going to be a "reqular" app (like ui-items, etc)?
Purpose: To create the component for the Notes feature. See prototype, and Filip for details.
Given a record in FOLIO (e.g. user, item etc)
When displayed
Then a Notes icon should display (see http://ux.folio.org/ bib records app (icon with triangles) for icon example)
Given the Notes icon
When clicked
Then the Notes panel should display as shown in the prototype (see http://ux.folio.org/ contacts app (icon with rolodex card) for panel example)
Given the Notes panel
When open
A text area should display with the ghost text, "Write a note..."
A "Post" button should accompany the text area (in https://share.proto.io/D7XIAW/, go to a user record and click notes icon to see how the text area and post button should look)
Given the text area contains text
When the Post button or enter key is clicked
Then the note should be logged along with the name of the user who created the note and the date/time stamp when the note was created
Given the text area does not contain text
When the Post button or enter key is clicked
Then no note should be logged
Given the Notes panel is open
When displayed
Then some mechanism for closing the panel should display (I assume it's an X in the upper left, but you may know better.
If not, John C, please check with Filip as it's not displayed in the prototype)
Given the close X (or whatever mechanism there is to close the Notes panel)
When clicked
Then the Notes panel should close
Implementation note: Per Filip, the kind of panel used for Notes will also be used for other system functions so it should be reusable.
Out of scope for this story:
Editing notes posted (unless it's simple to add that capability into the component, in which case go for it!)
Unread indicator
Note type indicator
For more information on the long-term vision for this feature, see the descriptions in https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/LIBAPP-122 and here's the latest video: https://discuss.folio.org/t/notes-ux-iteration-2/880