- CLONE - MARC authority > View Source > Display Version HistorySTCOM-1419Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Facilitate printing search results via CSSSTCOM-1417John Coburn
- AuditLog: Add original version cardSTCOM-1416Resolved issue: STCOM-1416Mariia Aloshyna
- Clone - MARC authority > View Source > Display Version HistorySTCOM-1415Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseSTCOM-1411Resolved issue: STCOM-1411Zak Burke
- Add "Load more" button to AuditLogPaneSTCOM-1413Resolved issue: STCOM-1413Mariia Aloshyna
- Implement AuditLogPane component to render View history paneSTCOM-1412Resolved issue: STCOM-1412Mariia Aloshyna
- "Custom Fields - PO" is also grayed out after selecting "Custom Fields - POLines" option in "Settings"STCOM-1410
- Changes to the <MultiSelection> field in forms are not highlighted with the corresponding color.STCOM-1409Resolved issue: STCOM-1409John Coburn
- Add marginTop0 class to MessageBanner componentSTCOM-1408Resolved issue: STCOM-1408Mariia Aloshyna
- update storybook workflow for Sunflower compatibilitySTCOM-1407Resolved issue: STCOM-1407Zak Burke
- migrate react-intl to v7STCOM-1406Resolved issue: STCOM-1406Zak Burke
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsSTCOM-1405Resolved issue: STCOM-1405Zak Burke
- refresh @csstools/postcss-* pluginsSTCOM-1404Resolved issue: STCOM-1404Zak Burke
- Create modal to display Inventory version history detailsSTCOM-1414Resolved issue: STCOM-1414Mariia Aloshyna
- Results List: All of them have non-active element in tab orderSTCOM-1403
- Create/Edit/Duplicate a record > Update Save & close button to support a drop-up with additional Save actions.STCOM-1402
- Expanded dropdown scrolls with the pageSTCOM-1399John Coburn
- BREAKING remove deprecated propsSTCOM-1398Resolved issue: STCOM-1398Zak Burke
- transpile on publishSTCOM-1397Zak Burke
- Datepicker - Calendar days are missing a tabIndex 0 day when year is changed.STCOM-1395John Coburn
- Advanced Search Modal - WCAG 2.1 AA - 3.3.2.a Visible LabelsSTCOM-1393
- Change MenuSection component headings to H3STCOM-1392Resolved issue: STCOM-1392John Coburn
- A11y - Tooltip should remain when tooltip is hovered.STCOM-1391John Coburn
- Datepicker CSS - non-current month day styling lacks enough color contrast.STCOM-1390
- implement CODEOWNERSSTCOM-1389Resolved issue: STCOM-1389Zak Burke
- Reopen: Prevent validation from occurring when control shifts focus to the options listSTCOM-1388Dennis Bridges
- ExportCSVLink doesn't work within Modals.STCOM-1387Resolved issue: STCOM-1387John Coburn
- Paneset should dedupe panes at registration.STCOM-1386Resolved issue: STCOM-1386John Coburn
- Add OverlayContext to CardSTCOM-1384Resolved issue: STCOM-1384John Coburn
- Entered values remain in search field after tag was createdSTCOM-1385Resolved issue: STCOM-1385John Coburn
- Modal should hang its exit listener on its own element rather than document.STCOM-1382Resolved issue: STCOM-1382John Coburn
- Dropdown in "Banking information" on edit organization form is not fully visibleSTCOM-1381Resolved issue: STCOM-1381John Coburn
- Spike: Replace Karma testing setup.STCOM-1380John Coburn
- pin currency-codes dependency to enhance test reliabilitySTCOM-1379Resolved issue: STCOM-1379Zak Burke
- Only one row on Bulk edit form can be editedSTCOM-1374Resolved issue: STCOM-1374John Coburn
- Textbox not always editable on build query formSTCOM-1375Resolved issue: STCOM-1375
- Unable to Select Blank Option in "Account Number" Dropdown when add invoice line in Invoice appSTCOM-1373Resolved issue: STCOM-1373John Coburn
- "Quantity" field in "Location" accordion on PO line create form is not editableSTCOM-1372Resolved issue: STCOM-1372NinaChistova
- Scroll Bar doesn't work in Select ListSTCOM-1371Resolved issue: STCOM-1371John Coburn
- Blank language codes get translated to "Achinese"STCOM-1368
- [QB] It's not possible to scroll throught the fields by clicking on scroll up/down iconsSTCOM-1376Resolved issue: STCOM-1376John Coburn
- Render lock icon for `readOnly` RadioButtonSTCOM-1367Resolved issue: STCOM-1367John Coburn
- Selection - prevent validation from occurring when control shifts focus to the options list.STCOM-1366Resolved issue: STCOM-1366John Coburn
- omit MD publishing steps in shared workflowsSTCOM-1357Resolved issue: STCOM-1357Zak Burke
- Reset focus to search box when user selects "x" in Inventory search and browseSTCOM-1369Resolved issue: STCOM-1369Dmytro Melnyshyn
- incorporate stripes-react-hotkeys' HotKeys and FocusTrap directly into HotkeysSTCOM-1356
- remove UI stacktrace reportSTCOM-1355
- Add missing country (Kosovo) to the country select listSTCOM-1354Resolved issue: STCOM-1354Zak Burke
- Export StripesOverlayContext wrapper from stripes-componentsSTCOM-1353Resolved issue: STCOM-1353John Coburn
50 of
As a cataloger, I want to be able to see when myself or another staff member has made an update to the MARC authority record.
Version history pane
To the right of the Print button on the View Source page display a clock icon.
Clock icon hover text > Version history
Once clicked:
Second pane should be opened with header "Version history"
Focus should be moved onto the Version history paneheader
Print button becomes disabled
When user clicks icon then open a second pane that lists all versions and the update(s) made with each version.
Second pane header sound include a counter of the number of versions
User can close Version history pane by clicking the “X” icon
Add a “Load more” button to the bottom of the screen to load the next number of cards, based on configured settings
Once “Load more” is selected, move focus to next available card
If there are no new cards to load, do not show “Load more” button
Version history cards
Display a card for each version and display the following information. In each card:
Updated date/time stamp based on localization selection [Date], [Time]
<<User who updated Last name>>, <<User who updated First name>> (hyperlink to user record) IF value is present
Add header for "Changed" in bold
In bullets under "Changed", indicate which field was changed and whether it was added, edited, or removed:
Field [number] (Added)
Field [number] (Edited)
Field [number] (Removed)
If the contents of each line do not fit the card width, wrap to next line
If current version then display “Current” version as the hyperlink
If the first version, then display Original Version (no field level changes) on the bottom of the card