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Purpose: This is similar to what has been done in STCOM-26
Given the Users app, select a given user A
Add another address. Fill in the form.
Navigate away without saving changes
The notification saying "There are unsaved changes" should pop-up.
Manual test in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.9.100474 , using Chrome
When adding an address to a given user, and then navigate away without saving the changes, then a notification will pop up saying "There are unsaved changes".Then I can choose to 'Discard Changes' or to 'Cancel'.
All looks good, and I'll close the issue as done.
Purpose: This is similar to what has been done in STCOM-26
Given the Users app, select a given user A
Add another address. Fill in the form.
Navigate away without saving changes
The notification saying "There are unsaved changes" should pop-up.