Pavlo Smahin
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Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 10, 2023 at 2:19 PM
Updated October 14, 2023 at 11:01 AM
Resolved May 26, 2023 at 2:21 PM
Overview: "Call number type" doesn't map from "Holdings" record with source "MARC" when Create/Edit/Import "MARC Holdings" record.
Steps to Reproduce:
Scenario 1: Create "MARC Holdings" record
Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as User with following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: Create a new MARC holdings record.
Go to "Inventory" >> Open detail view pane of "Instance" record with source "MARC"
Click on the "Actions" button and select the "Add MARC holdings record" option
Fill in the "852" with the following value:
First indicator: "1"
Second indicator "\"
Fourth box: "$b KU/CC/DI/A $h 331.0413"
Click on the "Save & close" button.
Check "Call number type" and "Call number" fields under "Location" accordion.
Expected Results:
"Call number type" is filled with "Dewey Decimal classification";
"Call number" is filled with "331.0413"
Actual Results:
"Call number type" is empty;
"Call number" is filled with "331.0413"
Scenario 2: Edit "MARC Holdings" record
Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as User with following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: View, edit MARC holdings record
Go to "Inventory" >> Open detail view pane of "Instance" record with source "MARC" >> Open detail view of "Holdings" record with source "MARC".
Click on the "Actions" button and select the "Edit in quickMARC" option
Edit the "852" with the following value:
First indicator: "8"
Second indicator "\"
Fourth box: "$b KU/CC/DI/A $h B WASHINGTON"
Click on the "Save & close" button.
Check "Call number type" and "Call number" fields under "Location" accordion.
Expected Results:
"Call number type" is filled with "Other scheme";
"Call number" is filled with "B WASHINGTON"
Actual Results:
"Call number type" is empty;
"Call number" is filled with "B WASHINGTON"
Scenario 3: Import "MARC Holdings" record
Log into Snapshot FOLIO environment as User with following permissions:
Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: View, edit MARC holdings record
Import the attached "MARC Holdings" record (
) via "Data import" app using "Default - Create Holdings and SRS MARC Holdings
Note: See the following test case as example how to import "MARC Holdings" record .
Once import is completed click on the "File name" value of imported record.
Click on the "Created" hyperlink placed under "Holdings" column.
Check "Call number type" and "Call number" fields under "Location" accordion.
Expected Results:
"Call number type" is filled with "Dewey Decimal classification";
"Call number" is filled with "331.2"{*}
Actual Results:
"Call number type" is empty;
"Call number" is filled with "331.2"
Additional Information:
See mapping rules for MARC Holdings by GET endpoint: "/mapping-rules/marc-holdings" or
See MARC21 standard:
See attached screencasts: