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PO Verification: Implement "OR" logic for item or holding call number and location name
Overview: In its current implementation mod-rtac provides holding level call number while in some libraries the item level call number is populated. We will need to return "Effective call number string" (see attached screenshot) when it is populated in the item record. In this string the next logic is implemented:
if the item level call number is populated, Effective call number string includes all elements (call number prefix, call number and call number suffix)
if the item level data is empty, then holding call number (including prefix and suffix) information is populated in Effective call number string.
Also, for location name, mod-rtac should return
location Discovery display name if it isn't empty or
location name if Discovery display name isn't filled in
Acceptance criteria:
Item effective call number string is provided for each item in RTAC response instead of just holding-level call number information
If effective call number information isn't set (i.e. call number is specified neither on holdings nor on item level), the empty field shouldn't be added
Location Discovery display name should be returned in RTAC response if it is specified instead of location name
@Khalilah Gambrell location record has a field named: discoveryDisplayName. If the location record has this field populated then it should, if not then name field should be used.
Khalilah Gambrell October 6, 2020 at 4:36 PM
@Magda Zacharska, what is meant by Location - Discovery?
In its current implementation mod-rtac provides holding level call number while in some libraries the item level call number is populated.
We will need to return "Effective call number string" (see attached screenshot) when it is populated in the item record. In this string the next logic is implemented:
if the item level call number is populated, Effective call number string includes all elements (call number prefix, call number and call number suffix)
if the item level data is empty, then holding call number (including prefix and suffix) information is populated in Effective call number string.
Also, for location name, mod-rtac should return
location Discovery display name if it isn't empty or
location name if Discovery display name isn't filled in
Acceptance criteria:
Item effective call number string is provided for each item in RTAC response instead of just holding-level call number information
If effective call number information isn't set (i.e. call number is specified neither on holdings nor on item level), the empty field shouldn't be added
Location Discovery display name should be returned in RTAC response if it is specified instead of location name