- Show display summary info for pieces without itemsMODRTAC-123
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODRTAC-122
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODRTAC-121
- Update to mod-rtac Java 21MODRTAC-120Resolved issue: MODRTAC-120Steve Ellis
- Update rtac holdings responseMODRTAC-119Yusuf Murodov
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODRTAC-118
- Release mod-rtac v3.7.0 (Ramsons R2 2024)MODRTAC-117Resolved issue: MODRTAC-117Yusuf Murodov
- Add support for ECSMODRTAC-116Resolved issue: MODRTAC-116Yusuf Murodov
- Update RMB to v35.3.0 versionMODRTAC-115Resolved issue: MODRTAC-115Fazliddin Ibodullayev
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-rtacMODRTAC-114Resolved issue: MODRTAC-114Fazliddin Ibodullayev
- Implement adding mod-orders peices status to RTAC tableMODRTAC-113Resolved issue: MODRTAC-113Yusuf Murodov
- Hold count includes completed and cancelled holdsMODRTAC-112Resolved issue: MODRTAC-112Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan
- Holdings statement be returned in RTAC calls, regardless of whether items are attached or noMODRTAC-111
- Release Quesnelia mod-rtac and edge-rtacMODRTAC-110Resolved issue: MODRTAC-110Humoyun Norboboev
- mod-rtac: RMB upgrage, edge-rtac: Vert.x upgradeMODRTAC-109Resolved issue: MODRTAC-109Denis Anischenko
- Add new displaySummary field to the Item schemaMODRTAC-107Resolved issue: MODRTAC-107Dennis Bridges
- Remove commons-io 2.6 dependency fixing CVE-2021-29425MODRTAC-106Resolved issue: MODRTAC-106
- Add effective location code and material type single and batch responseMODRTAC-105Resolved issue: MODRTAC-105Roman Leshchenko
- Update to Java 17 mod-rtacMODRTAC-104Resolved issue: MODRTAC-104
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODRTAC-103Resolved issue: MODRTAC-103David Crossley
- RTAC does not return all holdingsMODRTAC-102Resolved issue: MODRTAC-102
- Release ModuleMODRTAC-101Resolved issue: MODRTAC-101Kyle Felker
- 2022 R3 Initial ReleaseMODRTAC-100Resolved issue: MODRTAC-100Kevin Day
- Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 35.x.xMODRTAC-99Resolved issue: MODRTAC-99Kevin Day
- Add personal data disclosure formMODRTAC-96Resolved issue: MODRTAC-96Kevin Day
- 2022 R2 Initial ReleaseMODRTAC-94Resolved issue: MODRTAC-94Kevin Day
- Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODRTAC-93Resolved issue: MODRTAC-93Kevin Day
- Release 3.2.1MODRTAC-92Resolved issue: MODRTAC-92Kyle Felker
- Release 3.2.1 (Lotus 2022 R1 bugfix)MODRTAC-91Resolved issue: MODRTAC-91Kyle Felker
- Add ability for RTAC to filter results by locationMODRTAC-90Khalilah Gambrell
- Fetch of holdings records fails for requests containing instances that have attached items and instances that do notMODRTAC-89Resolved issue: MODRTAC-89Kyle Felker
- Separate error message for not found instancesMODRTAC-88Resolved issue: MODRTAC-88Kyle Felker
- 2022 R1 Initial ReleaseMODRTAC-87Resolved issue: MODRTAC-87Kyle Felker
- Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 33.2.xMODRTAC-86Resolved issue: MODRTAC-86Kyle Felker
- Kiwi R3 2021 Log4j module releaseMODRTAC-85Resolved issue: MODRTAC-85Kyle Felker
- Juniper R2 2021 HF #5 module releaseMODRTAC-84Resolved issue: MODRTAC-84Marc Johnson
- Juniper R2 2021 - Log4j vulnerability verification and correctionMODRTAC-83Resolved issue: MODRTAC-83Kevin Day
- Kiwi R3 2021 - Log4j vulnerability verification and correctionMODRTAC-81Resolved issue: MODRTAC-81Kevin Day
- Create Karate test for Mod-RTAC: If instance UUID is invalid then return an error response (rtac-5)MODRTAC-80Resolved issue: MODRTAC-80Adesh Singh
- Create Karate test for Mod-RTAC: For periodical/serial, return only holdings information including availability for each instance UUID included in request WHEN &fullPeriodicals=false OR no parameter is omitted (rtac-4)MODRTAC-79Resolved issue: MODRTAC-79Adesh Singh
- Create Karate test for Mod-RTAC: For periodical/serial, return holdings and item information including availability for each instance UUID included in request WHEN &fullPeriodicals=true (rtac-3)MODRTAC-78Resolved issue: MODRTAC-78Adesh Singh
- Create Karate test for Mod-RTAC: For a non-periodical/non-serial, return holdings and item information including availability for each instance UUID included in request (rtac-2)MODRTAC-77Resolved issue: MODRTAC-77Adesh Singh
- Create Karate test for Mod-RTAC: For a non-periodical/non-serial, return holdings and item information including availability for an instance UUID (rtac-1)MODRTAC-76Resolved issue: MODRTAC-76Adesh Singh
- Release for Kiwi R3 2021MODRTAC-70Resolved issue: MODRTAC-70Marc Johnson
- Release 3.0.2MODRTAC-69Resolved issue: MODRTAC-69Marc Johnson
- Include all multiple holding statements and holding statement public notes in RTAC responseMODRTAC-68Resolved issue: MODRTAC-68Khalilah Gambrell
- RTAC-batch parameter does not work for several FOLIO librariesMODRTAC-67Resolved issue: MODRTAC-67Khalilah Gambrell
- Change logic for what types of records return just holdings-level information.MODRTAC-66Resolved issue: MODRTAC-66Khalilah Gambrell
- RTAC-batch: Wrong response for not-existing instanceMODRTAC-64Resolved issue: MODRTAC-64Marc Johnson
- Release version 3.0.1MODRTAC-62Resolved issue: MODRTAC-62Kyle Felker
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urrently, pieces that do not have corresponding items are not showing critical identifying information in the RTAC table within Locate. This user story has been created to pull this important information out of the FOLIO Receiving app and display it in the Locate RTAC table.
Pieces are materials that are managed in the FOLIO Receiving App. Usually, an order consists of a receiving title that may have one or more pieces attached. For example, if you order a journal, the receiving title would be the journal name and the attached pieces would include each issue of the journal.
Receiving statuses can be as follows, and are mapped:
"Expected", - Map to "Expected" - The order is expected to arrive.
"Late", - Map to "Expected"
"Claim delayed", - Map to "Expected"
"Claim sent", - Map to "Expected"
"Received" - Map to "Arrived" - The order has arrived and been received.
"Unreceivable" - Not showing
Piece details are important to users so that they may be able to correctly identify a piece. The following details are especially important for users.
Display summary. A description of a piece that can be used for public display. If this field is added/updated, the value displays on the corresponding field in the item record. Note: in previous releases, this field was labeled Caption. Please note: this field is populated by labeling information from the Serials app, but may also be added/edited manually in the Receiving app.
Copy number. The copy number of the piece. If this field is added/updated, the value displays on the corresponding field in the item record.
Enumeration. The enumeration of the piece which indicates the sequential numeric and/or alphabetic designation used by a publisher to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each part to the bibliographic unit as a whole. If this field is added/updated, the value displays on the corresponding field in the item record.
Chronology. The chronology of the piece, such as “year”, “month.” If this field is added/updated, the value displays on the corresponding field in the item record.
We currently use and want to continue to use the following criteria to call information from the Receiving app.
"displayOnHolding" : true,
"displayToPublic" : true
For each piece that meets the above criteria, pull the the following information from the Receiving App:
if exists, pull "displaySummary"
if displaySummary does NOT exist, pull "Enumeration" +/OR "Chronology"
if "Enumeration" +/OR "Chronology" do not exist, pull empty value
Also pull "Copy" if it exists