Andrei Makaranka
Andrei MakarankaReporter
Aditya Kumar
Aditya KumarPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
Lotus (R1 2022) Bug Fix
RCA Group
Data related (ex. Can be detected with large dataset only)
Affected Institution
MI State University/Library of Michigan
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 10, 2022 at 3:14 PM
Updated April 13, 2022 at 9:35 PM
Resolved April 8, 2022 at 12:11 PM
This API as example: GET /orders/order-lines?limit=30&offset=0&query=%28%28contributors%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20poLineNumber%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20requester%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20titleOrPackage%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20publisher%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20vendorDetail.vendorAccount%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20vendorDetail.referenceNumbers%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20donor%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20selector%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20physical.volumes%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%20or%20details.productIds%3D%3D%22%2Atwitter%2A%22%29%29%20sortby%20metadata.updatedDate%2Fsort.descending
is taking significantly large amount of time between 7 to 17 secs for MI State
For Bugfest Juniper < 2s:
Steps for order-lines search workflow on bugfest-juniper:
Log into some Bugfest Juniper.
Open network tab to view API timings
Click Orders - FOLIO (
However this issue can't be observed on Bugfest Juniper. Just adding here to show the workflow.
Expected Results:
The mentioned API timings should be below 3 seconds at least.
Actual Results:
The mentioned API timings lies between 7 to 17 secs.
Additional Information:
This can be due to sheer amount of data that the tenant has on the table: po_lines in mod_orders_storage database.
96534 order lines vs 25480 on bugfest.
We did not identify any slow queries in the database
Also checked the indexes. All indexes seems to be present on both places.
Interested parties:
@Molly Driscoll @Sobha Duvvuri